Niliona Bwan amekaa kwenye kiti cheupe cha ufalme. Mlolongo wa watu bele yake. Nilishangaa kwa jinsi hao watu hawakuwa na uso. Nafasi ya uso palikuwa bure.
Wakati kila mtu alikuja mbele ya Bwana, Angefungua kitabu na kusoma ndani yake mambo yote ambayo huyo mtu alitenda. Kila kitu kilinakiliwa; na Bwana aliso kitabu chote kutoka mwanzo hadi mwio. Kilo mtu katika ule mlolongo alihukumiwa na kwenda jehanamu. Kilwa wakati Bwana angemwambia mtu amehukumiwa huyo mtu angeanza piga mayowe na kulia akimwomba Bwan ampe nafasi mara moja tuu. Bwana alitiririkwa na machozi mengi akitikisa kichwa chake akiwambia kila mmja wao ya kwamba alimpa nafasi nyingi ulimwenguni kutubu na kuokoka ili aje kuishi na bwana mbinguni lakini walipuuza. Hii iliendelea kwa mda.
Mara nyingina Bwana akageuka kwangu mara hii na gadhabu. Alikuwa bado analilia mioyo zinazohukumiwa. " Kwa hakika unaelewa kinacho fanyika hapa?" akaniuliza Bwana. " Tazama!!" Hatimaye, shimo lilifunguka nyuma ya mlolongo wa watu. Nilitazama kwenye shimo hilo. Kulikuwa na giza kingi sama kutoka shimoni. Nilisika vilio, mayowe, na kelele toka shimoni. "Nenda uangalie" Bwana aliniamuru. Sikutaka kwenda. Niliogopa, lakini nguvu kama mkono ulinisukuma kutoka nyuma kunisukuma hadi kwenye ukingo wa hilo shimo jeusi.
Nili songa nyuma kutoka kwa ukingo wa lile shimo kwa hofu na uoga mwingi sana. Nilimugekia Bwana alie kuwa amekaa kwenye kiti chake cha enzi. Alikuw bado a soma kutoka kwenye vitabu vya hukumu. Niliona kitita kibubwa bila kikomo cha msongamano cha vitabu karibu na kiti cha Enzi. Nakikajua ya kwamba wale wote ambao witabu vyao vimeandikwa wanaenda kuhukumiwa. Niliangalia laini ndefu bila kikomo ya watu ambao walikuwa mbele ya Bwana walingoja hukumu yao. Sasa nikaona kila uso sura yake vizuri kikamilifu. Walikuwa marafiki wangu, jamii yangu and jamaa wangu. Na walikuwa wanahukumiwa. Naliona wakitupwa kwenye lile shimo nyeusi ndefu, nilisikia wakilia na kusaga memo na kupiga nduru ya uchungu walipo anguku kwenye lile shimo nyeusi.
Bwana alinigeukia kwa machozi ya kimtiririka mashavuni nakusema "sasa omba". Nikaanza kulia na kupiga nduru kwa Bwana Mungu kuhurumia hawa watu asiwahukumu kwenda motoni. Kila mtu alipohukumiwa, nilikimbia kwenye ukingo wa lile shimo kujaribu kuzuia naku jaribu kuwavuta nyuma ili wasianguke mule shimoni. Ninge washika kwanguvu mikono yao na kujaribu kuwazuia lakini wangepita mikononi mwangu bila shida na kuingio shimoni kwa kishindo. Nilikuwa na hofu na maangaiko kwa kujaribu kuoko wapendwa wangu wasianguke kwenye lile shimo la moto wa kutisha. Nilikimbia nikashika Bwana Mungu na mkono mmoja na mwingine nikijaribu kutoa wale walio hukumiwa kwenye lile shimo la moto bila kufaulu.
"Acha kunishika" Bwana Mungu aliniambia. "Nikikuacha nitaingia shimoni mimi" nikalilia Mungu. "Acha kunishika" Bwana Mungu alisema tena. Nilimwachilia. Nilihisi mikono ya nguvu isioonekana ilinishika kwa nguvu. Nililala chini karibu na ukingo wa lile shimo la moto na kuelekeza mikono yangu mle ndani kuzuia wasiingie mule shimoni. Nilisikia na kuhisi na chomeka na mwiale and moto kutoka mule shimoni. Wakati mwingine nilihisi makucha makali yakinichuna kwa nguvu kutoka mule shimoni. Niliona mikono yangu ikichomeka na pia alama na mikwaruzo ya makucha.
--Hollie L. Moody
Monday, December 30, 2013
Na Hollie L. Moody
Jaji Mkuu Mstaafu, Jaji Augustino Ramadhani akitoa mkate kwa waumini wa Kanisa la Anglikana baada ya kupewa Daraja la Ukasisi katika Kanisa la Anglikana lililopo Mkunazini mjini Zanziabar jana. Picha na Sahim Shao
Aliapishwa jana kuwa mchungaji wa Kanisa la Anglikana, Zanzibar.
Zanzibar. Jaji Mkuu Mstaafu, Augustino Ramadhani ametawazwa kuwa Mchungaji wa Kanisa la Anglikana Dayosisi ya Zanzibar na kusema ameshangazwa na mashambulizi ya tindikali dhidi ya viongozi wa dini Visiwani humo.
Akizungumza na waaandishi wa habari mara baada ya kutawazwa ndani ya Kanisa la Anglikana la Minara Miwili Mjini Unguja, Jaji Ramadhan amesema vitendo vya hujuma vinavyofanywa dhidi ya viongozi wa dini na Serikali ni kinyume na utamaduni wa Zanzibar.
Alisema Wakristo na Waislamu Zanzibar kwa miaka mingi wamekuwa wakiishi kama ndugu bila ya kubaguana kwa sababu za itikadi ya dini licha ya Waislamu kuwa asilimia 95.
Hata hivyo, alikumbusha kuwa wakristo wana mchango katika harakati za ukombozi wa Zanzibar, ambapo idadi kubwa ya waumini wake walianzisha Chama cha African Association mwaka 1935, ambapo rais wake wa kwanza alikuwa hayati, Mzee Augustino Ramadhan na baadaye akafuata hayati Mzee Abeid Amani Karume.
“Vitendo vya watu kumwagiwa tindikali vinanishangaza, sababu halisi siifahamu, najiuliza haya yametokea wapi, siyo jambo jema wala siyo sifa ya Zanzibar tokea enzi na enzi,” alisema.
Alisema wakati umefika na kuwataka viongozi kuwa mstari wa mbele kukemea matukio ya hujuma za tindikali na uhalifu mwingine ikiwemo mashambulizi ya kutumia silaha za moto na watu kupotezewa maisha.
Jaji Augustino amewahi kuwa Jaji Mkuu wa Zanzibar na Tanzania, Brigedia Jenerali wa JWTZ pia amewahi kuwa Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani Tanzania na Mahakama ya Afrika Mashariki, ambapo amesema kazi ya sheria hazitofautiani na kazi za kiroho kwa vile zote zinahitaji utende haki na kutimiza wajibu upasavyo. Kwa upande wake Askofu Philip Baji wa Chuo Kikuu cha Mtakatifu John cha Dodoma, alisema huu ni wakati mwafaka kwa Serikali kuwalinda viongozi wa dini bila ya kujali tofauti ya madhehebu yao kutokana na kukithiri kwa vitendo vya hujuma.
- Akizungumza na waaandishi wa habari mara baada ya kutawazwa ndani ya Kanisa la Anglikana la Minara Miwili Mjini Unguja, Jaji Ramadhan amesema vitendo vya hujuma vinavyofanywa dhidi ya viongozi wa dini na Serikali ni kinyume na utamaduni wa Zanzibar.
Aliapishwa jana kuwa mchungaji wa Kanisa la Anglikana, Zanzibar.
Zanzibar. Jaji Mkuu Mstaafu, Augustino Ramadhani ametawazwa kuwa Mchungaji wa Kanisa la Anglikana Dayosisi ya Zanzibar na kusema ameshangazwa na mashambulizi ya tindikali dhidi ya viongozi wa dini Visiwani humo.
Akizungumza na waaandishi wa habari mara baada ya kutawazwa ndani ya Kanisa la Anglikana la Minara Miwili Mjini Unguja, Jaji Ramadhan amesema vitendo vya hujuma vinavyofanywa dhidi ya viongozi wa dini na Serikali ni kinyume na utamaduni wa Zanzibar.
Alisema Wakristo na Waislamu Zanzibar kwa miaka mingi wamekuwa wakiishi kama ndugu bila ya kubaguana kwa sababu za itikadi ya dini licha ya Waislamu kuwa asilimia 95.
Hata hivyo, alikumbusha kuwa wakristo wana mchango katika harakati za ukombozi wa Zanzibar, ambapo idadi kubwa ya waumini wake walianzisha Chama cha African Association mwaka 1935, ambapo rais wake wa kwanza alikuwa hayati, Mzee Augustino Ramadhan na baadaye akafuata hayati Mzee Abeid Amani Karume.
“Vitendo vya watu kumwagiwa tindikali vinanishangaza, sababu halisi siifahamu, najiuliza haya yametokea wapi, siyo jambo jema wala siyo sifa ya Zanzibar tokea enzi na enzi,” alisema.
Alisema wakati umefika na kuwataka viongozi kuwa mstari wa mbele kukemea matukio ya hujuma za tindikali na uhalifu mwingine ikiwemo mashambulizi ya kutumia silaha za moto na watu kupotezewa maisha.
Jaji Augustino amewahi kuwa Jaji Mkuu wa Zanzibar na Tanzania, Brigedia Jenerali wa JWTZ pia amewahi kuwa Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani Tanzania na Mahakama ya Afrika Mashariki, ambapo amesema kazi ya sheria hazitofautiani na kazi za kiroho kwa vile zote zinahitaji utende haki na kutimiza wajibu upasavyo. Kwa upande wake Askofu Philip Baji wa Chuo Kikuu cha Mtakatifu John cha Dodoma, alisema huu ni wakati mwafaka kwa Serikali kuwalinda viongozi wa dini bila ya kujali tofauti ya madhehebu yao kutokana na kukithiri kwa vitendo vya hujuma.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
NA Angelica Zambrano
Imefasiriwa na Alpha Wilson Magubila kwa Neema aliojaliwa na Mungu
Kwa kipindi cha masaa 23, binti mdogo wa ki-Ecuado aitwaye Angelica alioneshwa falme za
Mbinguni na Kuzimu, na kurudi kwa Kristo mara ya pili. Alishuhudia Yesu akilia kwa huzuni
aonapo umati wa roho zilizopotea milele, ulimwengu uliomkataa yeye, kanisa lisilo tayari kabisa
kwa ujio wake, watu wameacha kushuhudia kwa walipotea mbali na kweli, na anasa za dunia
zimeteka hata watoto kwa shetani. Alishuhudia watu maarufu wakiteswa katika moto, waimbaji,
wanamuziki na hata Papa. Angelica alioneshwa jinsi ufalme wa Mbinguni ulivyoandaliwa kwa
uzuri na utayari, utukufu usioweza kufikirika, ambapo hakuna uovu. Japokuwa Yesu anakuja kwa
ajili ya watakatifu tu; wengi wa wana wa Mungu hawatakuwa tayari kwa siku ile, na wataachwa
nyuma katika ulimwengu utakaogawanyika vipande vipande. (Mahojiano
kwa video, mwanzoni ni kwa lugha ya Kihispania, huko El Empalme, Ecuador. Sept. 29, 2009).
Maxima (Mama yake Binti):
Jina langu ni Maxima Zambrano Mora, tunasali kanisa la "Casa de Oracion" huku El Empalme.
Tulikuwa katika kufunga kwa siku 15, na kulia kwa Mungu. Binti yangu Angelica aliungana nasi
pia. Katika kipindi hicho cha siku 15 cha kufunga, niliweza kupata maono zaidi ya asili, ambayo
sijawahi kuona kabla. Tulikuwa tunaomba na kufunga katika kipindi maalumu cha kumtafuta
Bwana, tuliendelea kuomba na kulia pale nyumbani, tukisubiri Mungu aseme nasi.
Bwana alitutia matumaini makubwa sana. Kwaajili ya majaribu yetu tulikaribia kukata tamaa,
lakini Bwana alikuwa pamoja nasi kutusaidia. Alitupa neno la Yeremia 33:3 "Niite, nami
nitakuitikia, ame nitakuonesha mambo makubwa, magumu usiyoyajua.” Binti yangu alitia
msisitizo sana katika neno hili kwa Bwana, japokuwa sikujua kwa wakati huo.
Angelica (Binti Mhusika):
Jina langu ni Angelica Elizabeth Zambrano Mora. Nina umri wa miaka 18, na ninasoma chuo cha
"Colegio José María Velazco Ibarra",
hapa El Cantón, El Empalme, Ecuador. Kwanza nilimpokea Kristo nilipokuwa na umri wa miaka
12, lakini nalijiambia mwenyewe, "Hakuna hata mmoja wa rakifi zangu aliyeokoka na nikajisikia
aibu miongoni mwao", kwa hiyo nirudi nyuma mbali na Mungu na kuishi maisha mabaya. Lakini
Mungu alinivuta nitoke huko.
Siku ya sherehe ya kutimiza miaka 15, nirejea tena kupatana na Bwana, lakini nia haikutulia sawa
sawa. Biblia inasema (Yakobo 1:8), "Mtu wa nia mbili husita-sita katika nia zake zote" na mimi
nilikuwa sawa na mtu huyu. Baba yangu aliwahi kusema "Hutakiwi kuwa hivyo, siyo vizuri, ni
vibaya mwanangu" lakini nalimjibu, "Hivi ndivyo nilivyo, nataka kuwa hivyo, hakuna mtu wa
kuniambia namna nitakiwavyo kuwa, wala chakufanya, wala namna ya kuvaa, au mwenendo."
Naye alijibu, "Mungu atakushughulikia na atakubadilisha wewe."
Siku ya sherehe ya kutimiza miaka 17, nilimkaribia Bwana. Tarehe 28 mwezi Aprili nilimwendea
Bwana na kumwambia, "Bwana, nijisikia vibaya sana, najua kuwa mimi ni mwenye dhambi” na
nilimweleza jinsi ninavyojisikia. "Bwana, nisamehe mimi. Natamani uandike jina langu katika
kitabu cha Uzima na unipokee niwe mwanao." Nilitubu na kutoa maisha yangu kwa Bwana rasmi.
Nikasema “Bwana, naomba unibadilishe, ufanye tofauti ndani mwangu." Nililia kwa moyo wangu
wote, huku nikimwomba Bwana anibadilishe mimi. Lakini kwa kadri ya muda ulivyozidi kupita,
sikuona madiliko yoyote. Badiliko pekee nikuwa nilianza kuhudhuria kanisani, kusoma biblia na
kuomba. Hayo tu ndiyo mabadiliko katika maisha yangu.
Ilipofika mwezi Agosti, nilikaribishwa katika mfungo wa siku 15. Niliamua kushiriki, lakini kabla
ya kuanza nilisema: “Bwana, naomba unishughulikie hapa." Katika kipindi chote cha mfungo,
Bwana alikuwa anasema na karibu kila mtu, kasoro mimi tu! Ilikuwa kama vile Bwana hajaniona,
na hilo liliniumiza sana. Nikaomba, "Bwana, hutanishughulikia mimi?" Nikaomba na kulia peke
yangu na kusema tena, "Bwana, je unanipenda? Je upo hapa? Upo nami hapa? Kwanini husemi
nami kama unavyosema na kila mmoja hapa? Unasema mambo mengi kwa wenzangu, hata maneno
ya unabii, lakini siyo kwangu" Nilimwomba ishara ya kuwa yu nami, na Bwana akanipa neno la
Yeremia 33:3, "Niite, nami nitakuitikia, nami nitakuonesha mambo makubwa, magumu
usiyoyajua." Nikasema, “Bwana, je umesema nami?” Kwasababu nilisikia sauti yake na kupata
maono ya maneno yaliyoandikwa katika Yeremia 33:3.
Nikasema “Bwana, hiyo ni kwaajili yangu?” Nilitunza na kukaa nalo kimya mwenyewe wakati kila
mmoja akishuhudia waliyopewa na Bwana na kuoneshwa. Lakini mimi nilitunza siri yangu na mara
kwa mara nilijikumbusha na kutafakari maneno: " Niite" maana yake nimwombe, lakini nini maana
ya: "mambo makubwa, magumu" niliwaza, “Huenda ikamaanisha Mbinguni na Kuzimu." Kwa 3
hiyo nalimwambia “Bwana, naomba unioneshe Mbinguni tu, lakini siyo kuzimu, kwasababu
nimesikia kuzimu ni sehemu ya kutisha na mbaya sana." Lakini baadaye nikaomba kwa moyo
wangu wote, "Bwana kama ni mapenzi yako kunionesha, na iwe hivyo, lakini nibadilishe kwanza.
Naomba ufanye tofauti ndani mwangu, nataka kuwa tofauti.”
Tulipomaliza kufunga, kulikuwa na majaribu na vipindi vigumu na mara nyingine nalijisikia
kuishiwa nguvu, siwezi tena kuendelea na Bwana. Lakini alinipa nguvu. Nilianza kusikia sauti yake
na kumjua vema zaidi. Tukawa marakifi wazuri. Bwana ni rafiki yetu mwema, na Roho Mtakatifu
pia. Niliwahi mwambia, "Bwana, wewe ni rafiki yangu bora. Nataka kukujua vema," na
nilishirikiana naye katika mawazo yangu yote.
Nilimwomba kipindi chote cha mwezi Agosti hadi Novemba, na mtumishi wa Bwana akaja
nyumbani kwetu na kusema, "Bwana akubariki." Nikajibu, "Ameni." Kisha akasema, "Nimekuja
kukuletea ujumbe toka kwa Mungu…...Jiandae, kwasababu Bwana atakuonesha mambo makubwa,
magumu usiyoyajua. Atakuonesha wewe Mbinguni na kuzimu kama ulivyokuwa unamwomba
neno la Yeremia 33:3." Nikamwuliza, "Ndiyo, lakini umepataje kujua? Sijamweleza yeyote."
Akanijibu, "Mungu unayemtumikia na kumsifu, ndiye nimsifuye, alinieleza kila kitu."
Mara tukaanza kuomba. Baadhi akina dada toka kanisani kwetu na wana familia wangu
wakaungana nasi kuomba. Lakini mara tulipoanza kuomba, nilianza kuona Mbingu zikifunguka.
Mara nikasema “naona mbingu zikifunguka, na malaika wawili wanashuka kuja tulipo" Mtumishi
wa Mungu akasema “waulize kwanini wamekuja hapa”
Walikuwa warefu na wazuri wakupendeza; wana mbawa nzuri. Walikuwa wakubwa na wenye
kung’aa, na walionekana wakiangaaza, mng’ao kama wa dhahabu. Walivaa sandozi za vito vya
thamani na walivaa mavazi matakatifu. "Kwanini mko hapa?" Wakatabasamu na kusema, "Tupo
hapa kwasababu tuna kazi yakufanya….. tupo hapa kwasababu unatakiwa utembelee Mbinguni na
kuzimu na hatutaondoka mpaka yote yatakapo pita." Nikawajibu “safi sana, lakini mimi natamani
kutembelea Mbinguni tu, siyo kuzimu” Wakatabasamu na kuendelea kuwepo na hawakusema
lolote zaidi. Baada ya kumaliza maombi, niliendelea kuwaona wakiwepo.
Pia nilianza kumwona Roho Mtakatifu; ni rafiki yangu bora; ni Mtakatifu, amejaa pote na yuko kila
mahali wakati wote. Ninamwona, anaangaza na kung’aa sana, naona tabasamu lake na mtazamo
wake wa upendo! Ni vigumu sana kumwelezea, kwa sababu ni mzuri zaidi ya malaika. Malaika
wana uzuri wao lakini Roho Mtakatifu ni zaidi sana kwa yote. Naweza kuisikia sauti yake, sauti
ilijaa upendo na matulizo makuu. Siwezi kuelezea kabisa sauti yake; kama radi si radi wakati huo
huo yakuvutia. Yeye husema “Niko pamoja nawe” Kwa hiyo nalijitahidi kuendelea kutembea na
Mungu, japo majaribu yalizidi kutuzingira. Tulikuwa tunapita kipindi kigumu sana, lakini chenye
ushindi waajabu. Mie husema “Bwana, mapenzi yako yatimizwe.” Niliendelea kuwaona malaika
wale hata nikiwa shule na pia darasani. Nilikuwa mwenye furaha ajabu kwa sababu niliwaona
Mtumishi wa Bwana, aliyetutembelea, aliniambia nijiandae, kwa sababu nitakwenda kuona Mbingu
na kuzimu. Lakini pia aliniambia kitu kigumu. Alisema “Nitakufa.” Haikuwa rahisi niliposikia
neno hili.
"Nitakufa namna gani? mie mdogo sana", Nilimuuliza. Akanijibu, “Usihofu juu ya lolote, Kila kitu
Mungu afanyacho hakina makosa wala mawaa, na atakurejesha duniani, ili utoe ushuhuda juu ya
Mbinguni na Kuzimu, kwakuwa hilo ndilo Bwana anataka sote tujue” Nikasema “Amen, lakini
nitagongwa na gari au nitakufaje?” Mawazo yalinisonga sana, lakini Bwana akaniambia nisihofu,
kila kitu kiko katika uwezo wake. Nikasema, “Ahsante Bwana”
Ilipofika tarehe 6 Novemba, baada ya kurejea nyumbani toka shule, malaika wale walikuwa nami,
hata nilipokuwa namsifu Bwana. Wao walikuwa hawaongei nami; bali walidumu kusema,
“Mtakatifu, Mtakatifu, Mtakatifu, Hallelujah," huku wakimpa utukufu, heshima na sifa Baba wa
Mbinguni. Roho Mtakatifu pia alikuwa na malaika wale huku akifurahi. Watu wengi husema injili/
wokovu ni wa kuchosha/kukera, lakini huo ni uongo mkubwa toka kwa mwovu ili kuwafanya watu
wasitafute uwepo wa Mungu. Nami pia niliamini hivyo hapo kwanza, lakini baada ya kukutana na
Bwana na Roho Mtakatifu, najua injili haikeri wala kuchosha, niburudisho la ajabu hapa duniani!
Ninaweza kumwona; kucheza na kuongea naye Roho Mtakatifu. Lakini malaika walikuwa
hawaongei nami, ila walikuwa wakimsifu Bwana. Nikimwambia Roho twende nami nakufanya hili
na lile huja na kuwa nami. Ninaweza kujihisi na kumwona vema.
Japokuwa wengi hawamwoni, yeye yupo! Mahusiano haya yamendelea, hata hakuna sababu ya
kuyasimamisha, hasa baada ya kuonja radha yake na faida za Roho Mtakatifu…… hakuna njia ya
kujitenga naye jinsi alivyo mwema na wafaida, hasa nikikumbuka alikonitoa, jinsi nilivyokuwa,
ninamshukuru sana kwa rehema zake na upendo wake kwa wanadamu na kwangu mimi!
Tarehe 7, Novemba, nilipokuwa narudi nyumbani, nikasikia sauti ikisema “Jiandae, kwakuwa leo
utakufa,” Nilijua kuwa ni Roho Mtakatifu kwa vile nilimwona vema. Niliipuuza sauti yake na
kusema “Bwana, Sitaki kufa leo!” Lakini alirudia, “Jiandae, kwakuwa leo utakufa!” Mara hii sauti
ilikuwa ya juu zaidi na mkazo mkubwa. Nikajibu, “Bwana, najua ni wewe unayesema nami;
nimeuliza ili kupata uhakika tu, mapenzi yako yatendeke. Nitafanya kila utakalo niambia, najiachia
kwako Bwana, japo naogopa, najua upo nami, nawe ni wa kweli.” Niliomba, “Bwana, Yule
mtumishi wako uliyemtumia kunipa ujumbe mara ya kwanza, mlete muda huu, nimkute nyumbani,
na umpe tena neno hili aseme nami kuwa leo ndiyo siku yangu ya kufa.” Sasa mara zote Bwana
hujua ya nyuma, yaliyopo na yajayo. Alijua kuwa nitamwomba neno hili. Kwa hiyo nilipofika
nyumbani nikamkuta mtumishi wa Bwana ameishafika!.
Maxima (Mama ya Binti):
Binti yangu alipofika nyumbani, tulikuwa jikoni. Mara Angelica alipomwona mtumishi wa Bwana,
akasema, “Bwana akubariki.” Mtumishi wa Mungu akajibu, “Bwana akubariki nawe. Je uko tayari?
Kwa kuwa leo ndiyo siku Bwana atakayo kuchukua, saa kumi jioni.” Angelica alisimama na
kushikwa na mshangao kwamba Bwana amejibu ombi lake na kufanya vilevile alivyomwomba
Niliposikia hayo maneno ya mtumishi, nikasema, “Ameni... lakini sitaki kufa, sitakufa! Hapana,
Bwana, naogopa, naogopa sana, ninahofu kubwa!” Mtumishi wa Bwana akasema, “Tuombe ili
hofu ikutoke sasa kwa jina la Bwana.” Nikasema, "Ameni" na tukaomba. Ghafla nikajisia hofu yote
imenitoka na furaha isiyoelezeka ikajaa ndani mwangu, nakuanza kuwaza kuwa kifo ni kitu chema
kuliko vyote nikitamanicho kinifike! Nikanza kutabasamu na kicheka wakati huo kila mmoja 5
aliyepo akinitazama. Wakaniona jinsi nilivyobadilika toka unyonge na kuwa mwenye furaha.
Nilikuwa natabasamu, narukaruka na kuimba.
Picha wakimwombea:
Binti yangu ghafla akawa mwenye furaha ndani ya moyo na kuanza kula. Alionja karibia kila kitu
kilichokuwepo, huku akisema, “Kama sitarudi, sawa nimeshakula na kushiba.”
Kila mmoja akaanza kucheka na kuuliza, “kwanini uko hivyo badala ya kuwa na huzuni, unafuraha
na mwenye raha?” nikawajibu, “Ndiyo ninafuraha: ninakwenda kumwona Bwana, nitakuwa naye,
lakini sijui kama nitarudi. Kwa hiyo nataka kugawa vitu vyangu vyote.” Wote wakastaajabu na
kuniuliza, “Unataka kugawa vitu vyako vyote?” macho ya mama yangu yalinitazama kwa
mshangao zaidi!
Binti yangu akaanza kugawa vitu vyake. Aligawa vyote, vyote! Ma-dada wa kanisani walikuwepo,
nao pia aliwapa baadhi ya vitu kwa kila mmoja. Nilipomuuliza nia yake, alisema, “Kama nikirudi,
watanirejeshea vyote, lakini nisiporudi, watabaki navyo.”
Niliwaza huzuni aliyokuwa nayo mama yangu niliposema maneno hayo. Lakini nilijisikia furaha
tupu, kwa hiyo nikaendelea kugawa vitu: nguo, kitanda, simu ya mkononi, kila kitu, lakini kwa
sharti: kama nikirudi, kila kitu kitarejeshwa kwangu. Wote wakaanza kucheka.
Binti yangu alikuwa na msimamo na nia ya dhati, lakini kama mama nilishikwa na huzuni sana.
Haikuwa jambo rahisi. Niliwaza, “Bwana muda huo ukiwadia, itakuwajekuwaje?” Sikuweza
kuelewa. Na walipoanza kuomba, nilikuwa napanga vitu ndani ya nyumba. Walisema, “Dada njoo
tuombe.” Lakini niliwajibu, “Nyie endeleeni, nitajiunga nanyi muda si mrefu. Ngoja nimalizie kazi
Wote walikuwa wananiangalia mimi tulipokuwa tunaomba. Niliomba, “Bwana, nataka kufanya
mapenzi yako. Wewe si mwanadamu hata useme uwongo au ujute, najua wewe ni mkweli. Kama
nitakuaibisha, basi vema unichukue moja kwa moja; lakini kama nitayafanya mapenzi, basi
unirejeshe tena, lakini nisaidie kusema ukweli, niandae mimi, nisaidie kuhubiri na kuwaambia watu
kutubu.” Hiyo ndiyo ilikuwa sala yangu fupi sana. Nilimwambia mtumishi wa Bwana, 6
“Usimwambie mama yangu maneno niliyomwomba Bwana.” Naye akajibu, “sitamwambia sasa,
lakini mara Bwana atakapokutwa, nitamwambia.” Tuliendelea kuomba na kuungana katika duara.
Ilipofika saa 9:30 jioni, Bwana akamwambia mtumishi wake ampake mafuta binti yangu. Kwa hiyo
baadhi yetu tulikwenda chumbani na kumpaka mafuta. Alitupa dakika mbili tumpake mwili mzima,
toka kichwani hadi chini, kila mahali, mwili mzima. Akawa mwili wote amepakwa mafuta.
Mama yangu na dada mmoja, Fátima Navarrete, walinipaka mafuta. Kadri walivyokuwa
wananipaka, nilijisikia kama kuna kitu kinanifunika, kama kioo kilinizunguka mimi. Ni vigumu
kuelezea, nilijisikia kama nimezingirwa na ngao fulani, na nashindwa kuelezea nilivyokuwa
najisikia. Baada ya hapo kila walipojaribu kunigusa walishindwa!
Kadri tulivyokuwa tukimwombea Angelica, nilijaribu kuweka mkono juu yake, nilishindwa!
Alikuwa amezingirwa na kitu. Ilikuwa ajabu, hakuna aliyeweza kumgusa tena! Uzio huo ulianzia
kichwani hadi miguuni, karibia sentimenta 30 (Inchi 12). Hilo lilinitisha zaidi mimi. Nimewawekea
mikono wengi kabla, katika huduma ya Bwana, lakini jambo kama hili halijawahi kutokea!
Nikasema, “Oh, kuna jambo lazima linatendeka,” na nikaanza kuomba na kumshukuru Bwana.
Ghafla, nikasikia furaha kubwa sana. Huzuni iliyokuwa moyoni ikanitoka, maumivu yakakoma na
sasa nikasikia raha na furaha ajabu! Tuliendelea kuomba na ilipofika saa 10.00 jioni, binti yangu
akaanguka sakafuni.
Wakati wa maombi, nilisikia kuishiwa pumzi; nikashindwa kupumua. Nikasikia maumivu tumboni
na moyoni. Nilijisiki damu ikisimama, na ghafla maumivu makali mwili mzima. Nililoweza
kusema, “Bwana, nipe nguvu, nipe mimi nguvu!” kwasababu nilijisikia kushindwa kuendelea zaidi.
Sikuwa na nguvu kabisa, zote zilinitoka! Na nilipoangalia juu mbinguni, katika roho, si kwa macho
ya mwilini, niliona mbingu zikifunguka. Niliwaona malaika, siyo wawili au kumi, bali kwa
mamilioni wakiwa pamoja wamekusanyika. Katikati yao niliona mwanga, mara 10,000 zaidi ya
jua. Na nikasema, “Bwana ni wewe unayekuja!”
Alipoanguka chini, tulijaribu kumsimamisha, lakini hakuweza kusimama mwenyewe. Muda huu
tuliweza kumgusa. Alikuwa akisema, “Omba. Sina nguvu, mama, sina nguvu na ninasikia
maumivu.” Mwanzo alisikia maumivu tumboni, na baadaye moyoni. Tuliendelea kuomba na
kumsihi Bwana. Bwana alichukua maisha yake!
Picha Mwili wake:
Sijawahi katika maisha yangu kumwona mtu akifa. Nilishuhudia binti yangu, akigugumia
maumivu! Haikuwa rahisi hata kidogo! Sikuweza kuelewa maneno yake ya mwisho, na mwisho
alitulia. Niliweka mikono yangu usoni pake, na kioo mdomoni kuona kama alikuwa anapumua.
Hakuwa na pumzi tena, alitulia kimya kabisa. Nilimshika, alikuwa angali na joto kama kawaida.
Nilichukua shuka na kumfunika na kwa muda mfupi akaanza kupoa na kuwa wa baridi sana.
Nywele zake zikalala, kama za maiti na akabadilika ubaridi wa barafu.
Yesu alikuwa anashuka chini, na nikajisikia mwili ukifa. Kadri Yesu na malaika walivyozidi
kukaribia, nikajisikia kuondoka, na sikuwa mimi tena. Sikuwa hai tena, nilikuwa nakufa na
kugugumia maumivu! Wakati mwili wangu ulipoanguka chini, walikuwa tayari wamefika. Nyumba
yetu ilijaa malaika, na katikati yao niliona mwanga mkali kuliko wa jua! Ilikuwa vigumu; nilisikia
maumivu makali wakati roho yangu ilipotenganishwa na mwili. Nilikuwa nalia na kupiga kelele,
kadri nilivyoona mwili wangu sakafuni. Nilimuuliza, “Bwana, nini kinachotokea? Nini
kinachotokea?” Nilijaribu kuugusa mwili wangu na kuurudia tena, lakini nilipojaribu, ilikuwa kama
kushika hewa: sikuweza kuugusa, mkono wangu ulipitiliza. Hakuna kati ya waliokuwa
wananiombea aliyenisikia! Na nikapiga kelele, “Bwana, nisaidie mimi!”
Mume wangu alifika tulipokuwa tunaomba, na alimkuta pale. Bwana alinipa nguvu kwa kuwa
sikujua la kufanya. Ilikuwa kama vile yuko mahututi (kwenye coma), lakini nilijua yuko salama,
kwasababu ilikuwa ni kazi ya Bwana. Kwahiyo nikasema “Bwana, mapenzi yako yafanyike.”
Wakati huo nasikia sauti ya Bwana, sauti nzuri kama radi lakini ya UPENDO, “Usiogope, Binti,
kwa kuwa mimi ni Yehova, Mungu wako, na nimekuja hapa kukuonesha niliyokuahidi wewe.
Inuka, kwa kuwa mimi ni Yehova, ninayekushika mkono wako wa kuume na kukuambia,
usiogope, nitakusaidia wewe." Ghafla, nikasimama. Nilikuwa nimepiga magoti chini, ninauangalia
mwili wangu, nikitaka kuurejea bila mafanikio. Niliposikia sauti yake, woga ukanitoka, na sikuwa
na hofu tena. Nilipoanza kutembea, malaika wakaanza kufungua njia. Kulikuwa na mwanga mkali
ung’aao, na nilipouangalia nilisikia amani ya ajabu. Kadri nilivyoangalia, nilimwona mwanaume
mzuri, mrefu, aliyevaa vizuri na kuvutia sana kumwangalia, mwenye siha njema. Mwanga ulitoka
kwake. Kulikuwa na mwanga mkali kiasi cha kushindwa kumwangalia uso wake! Lakini niliweza
kuona nywele zake za dhahabu ing’aayo na vazi jeupe na mshipi kifuani pake. Ukisomeka,
Nilimwangalia miguuni pake, alikuwa amevaa sandozi zenye mng’ao wa dhahabu, dhahabu safi.
Alikuwa mzuri sana! Akaninyooshea mkono wake. Nilipomshika mkono wake, haikuwa kama
nilipojaribu kuugusa mwili wangu, mkono haukupitiliza. Nikauliza, “Nini kinachotokea?” naye
akasema, “Nitakuonesha wewe kuzimu ili ukirudi uwaambie wanadamu kuwa kuzimu ni halisi;
kuwa ni kweli ipo. Na pia utukufu wangu nitakuonesha wewe, ili uwaambie watu wangu
wajiaandae, kwa kuwa utukufu wangu ni halisi na mimi pia.” Akasema, "Binti, usiogope”
akarudia kusema tena na mimi nikasema, "Bwana, nataka tu kwenda Mbinguni, lakini siyo kuzimu,
kwasababu nimesikia kunatisha!” Akasema, “Binti, nitakuwa nawe. Sitakuacha huko na
nitakuonesha huko mahali kwasababu wengi wanajua kuzimu ipo lakini hawaiogopi. 8
Wanaamini ni mchezo, na kuzimu ni mzaha, na wengi hawajui lolote juu yake. Ndiyo maana
nitakuonesha wewe huko kwa sababu wanaopotea ni wengi kuliko wanaoingia katika utukufu
wangu.” Aliposema hayo, niliona machozi yakitiririka kwenye vazi lake. Nikamwuuliza, “Bwana,
kwanini unalia?” Akanijibu, “Binti, kwasababu wengi wanaangamia, na nitakuonesha hii, ili
uende na uwaambie ukweli na wewe usirudie hapo.”
Ghafla, alivyokuwa anaongea, kila kitu kikaanza kutembea. Ardhi ilitikisika na kupasuka, na
nikaona shimo jeusi tii chini.
Tulikuwa tumesimama kama kwenye mwamba na malaika wakituzunguka. Nikasema, “Bwana,
sitaki kwenda mahali huko!” akasema, “Binti, usiogope niko pamoja nawe.” Kwa sekunde chache
tukashuka kwenye shimo jeusi. Nilijaribu kuangalia lakini kulikuwa na kiza kikuu. Niliona duara
kubwa, na kusikia mamilioni ya sauti.
Nilipata moto. Nikajisikia ngozi yangu kuungua. Nikamuuliza, “Bwana, hiki ni nini? sitaki
kwenda mahali huko!” Bwana akasema hilo ni lango tu la kwenda kuzimu. Kulikuwa kuna harufu
mbaya, yakutisha, isiyovumilika, na nikamsihi Yesu asinipeleke mimi. Naye akajibu, “Binti, ni
muhimu ufike na kujua sehemu hii.” Nikalia, “Lakini kwanini, Bwana, kwanini?” naye akasema,
“Ili ukawaambie ukweli wanadamu; wanadamu wanaangamia, wanapotea na wachache sana
wanaoingia ufalme wangu.” (Mat.7:14) Akishasema hivi, hulia sana. Maneno yake yalinitia nguvu
na kunihimiza, kwa hiyo nikaendelea kutembea.
Ziwa la Moto:
Tulifika mwisho wa tanuru/lango, nilipoangalia chini niliona umati umefunikwa na miali ya moto.
Bwana akasema “Binti, nakupa hii.” Ilikuwa ni faili kubwa lenye karatasi ambazo hazijaandikwa
chochote. “Binti, chukua na kalamu hii ili uweze kuandika yote nitakayokuonesha,
utakayoyaona na kusikia. Utaandika kila kitu ukionacho na utaishi nayo.” Nikasema, “Bwana,
nitafanya, lakini nimeshaanza kuona mengi mno, Bwana. Ninaona roho zikiteswa, na kuzamishwa
kwenye moto.”
Muda uliendelea kupita, na binti yangu alikuwa bado kalala pale. “Bwana, nini kinachotokea?”
Machozi yalikuwa yakimtoka kwenye macho, lakini kila nilipomfuta, yalitoka tena. Nikaweka kioo
mdomoni pake kuona kama anapumua, hakukuwa na pumzi. Tuliangalia mapigo ya damu, wapi,
hakuna kitu!. Tuliweka mikono tumboni pake, wapi! Hakuna kitu. Mtumishi wa Bwana akasema,
“mahali alipo sasa, siyo mahali pa kutabasamu bali mahali pa mateso.”
Nikamwambia Yesu, Nitashuhudia kuwa kuzimu ni halisi, kwamba ipo, lakini nitoe hapa sasa!” na
akanijibu, “Binti, hatuja ingia bado mahali penyewe, na sijakuonesha chochote, tayari unataka
nikutoe huku?” nikasema “Bwana, tafadhari nitoe mahali hapa,” tukaendelea kushuka kwenye
korongo/shimo lakutisha! Nikaanza kulia na kupiga yowee, “Bwana, hapana, hapana, hapana,
hapana……… Sitaki kwenda!” naye hujibu, “Unatakiwa kuona haya.”
Niliona mapepo yakutisha, ya kila aina, makubwa na madogo. Yalikuwa yanakimbia sana, na
yameshika vitu mkononi. “Bwana, kwanini yanakimbia hivyo na yameshika nini?” akanijibu,
“Binti, wanakimbia hivyo kwasababu wajua muda wao karibu kwisha, kwasababu muda wa
kuwaharibu/kuwapoteza wanadamu, hususani watu wangu. Na walivyoshika mkononi ni
mishale ya kuwaharibu wanadamu, kwasababu kila pepo amepewa jina na kwa kadri ya jina
lake, ana mishale ya kumharibu mtu na kumleta huku kuzimu; malengo yao ni kumharibu mtu
na kumleta kuzimu.” Na niliendelea kuona mapepo yakikimbia na kutoka kuelekea duniani na
Bwana akaniambia; “Wanakwenda duniani ili kuleta na kuwatupa wanadamu huku." Alipokuwa
akisema hivyo, Bwana hulia, hulia sana. Kila alipolia nami nililia pia.
Binti yangu alikuwa amekufa kwa masaa 23, lakini sikutoa taarifa kwenye mamlaka yoyote.
Niliomba, “Bwana, nitasubiri kwa masaa 24. Kama binti yangu hatarudi ndani ya saa 24,
nitampigia simu Daktari.” Lakini, Bwana alimrejesha kabla ya saa 24 hazijatimia.
Bwana akaniambia, “je uko tayari kuona nitakachokuonesha wewe?” Nikasema, “Ndiyo
Bwana,”. Alinipeleka kwenye sero moja, ambapo nilimwona kijana akiwa matesoni katikati ya
miali ya moto. Nikajulishwa namba sero yake, japokuwa sikuweza kujua ile namba, ilionekana
kama imeandikwa kinyume hivi. Palikuwa na nembo kubwa mle ndani, na kijana alikuwa na
namba 666 kwenye kipaji cha uso. Pia alikuwa na aina ya kipande cha chuma imebandikwa
kwenye ngozi yake. Funza walikuwa wanamtafuna, haikuweza kuharibu kipande kile; wala moto
haukuweza kukiunguza. Akapiga kelele, “Bwana, nirehemu mimi. Nitoe mahali hapa. Nisamehe
mimi Bwana!” lakini Yesu alimjibu, “umechelewa, umechelewa sana: nilikupa fursa lakini
hutaka kutubu.” Nikamuuliza Yesu, “Bwana, kwanini huyu yuko hapa?” mara nikajulishwa. 10
Akiwa duniani, kijana huyu alijua neno la Mungu, lakini ghafla akajitenga na Bwana na kuchagua
pombe, madawa ya kulevya na kupita katika njia zisizofaa. Hakutaka kufuata njia ya Bwana. Yesu
alimwonya mara nyingi juu la litakalompata. Yesu akasema, “Binti, yuko hapa kwasababu kila
anayeyakataa maneno yangu, anaye amhukumuye: lile neno nilisema naye litamhukumu siku
ya mwisho,” (Yohana 12:48) na Yesu akalia tena.
Bwana akilia, nitofauti nasi tuliavyo na zaidi yetu. Yeye hulia na maumivu makali moyoni na
uchungu usioelezeka. Bwana akasema, "Sikutengeneza kuzimu kwaajili ya wanadamu,”
Nikamuuliza, “Sasa Bwana kwanini wanadamu wapo huku,” Akanijibu, “Binti, niliumba kwajili
ya shetani na malaika zake, ambayo ni mapepo;(Mat. 25:41) lakini, kwasababu ya dhambi na
kukosekana kwa toba, wanadamu huishia hapa, na wengi wangamiao kuliko wanaofika katika
utukufu wangu!" Akaendelea kulia na huniumiza sana nimwonapo akilia. "Binti, nalitoa maisha
kwaajili ya wanadamu, ili wasiangamie, ili wasiishie hapa [Kuzimu]. Nalitoa maisha yangu kwa
upendo na huruma, ili wanadamu waendee toba na kuingia katika ufalme wa Mbinguni.” Yesu
kwa huzuni huugua kiasi cha kushindwa kustahimili maumivu, kadri aonavyo watu pale kuzimu.
Kwa kuwa na Yesu, kulinifanya nijisikie salama. Niliwaza, “kama nikimwacha Bwana aende,
ninge-nasa kuzimu pale” Nikamuuliza, “Yesu, je nina ndugu yangu mahali hapa?” Akanitazama
kwa jinsi nilivyokuwa nalia na akasema, “Binti, niko nawe,” Kwasababu nilikuwa mwenye hofu
sana. Akanipeleke kwenye sero nyingine. Sikuwahi kuwaza kumwona ndugu yangu kwenye sero
ile. Nilimwona mwanamke akiteswa, alikuwa na funza wakimla uso wake, na mapepo yakimchoma
mikuki mwilini. Naye hupiga kelele, “Hapana, Bwana, nihurumie, nisamehe mimi, tafadhari, nitoe
mahali hapa kwa dakika moja!” (Luka 16:24)
Kuzimu, watu huteswa na kumbukumbu za waliyoyafanya duniani. Mapepo hudhihaki watu na
kuwaambia, “abudu na kusifu kwasababu huu ndiyo ufalme wenu!” na watu hupiga kelele 11
wakikumbuka kuwa walimjua Mungu, kwasababu walijua neno. Walimjua Bwana waliteswa mara
dufu ya wengine.
Bwana akasema, “Hakuna tena nafasi kwa walioko pale[kuzimu]; kungali na nafasi kwa walio
hai.” Nikamuuliza, “Bwana, kwanini bibi yangu mkubwa yupo pale? Sijui kama alikujua wewe.
Kwanini yupo kuzimu Bwana?” akanijibu, “Binti, yupo hapa kwasababu alishindwa
kusamehe….. binti, yeyote asiyesamehe, sitamsamehe huyu.”
Nikamuuliza, “Bwana, lakini wewe husamehe, na una rehema.” Naye akanijibu, “Ndiyo, binti,
lakini nilazima kusamehe, kwasababu hawajawasamehe wengi, na ndiyo maana wengi wapo
hapa, wameshindwa kusamehe…… nenda kawaambia wanadamu ni muda wa kusamehe, hasa
hasa watu wangu, kwakuwa wengi miongoni mwa watu wangu hawajasamehe. Waambie
waache malaaumu, mafundo, chuki mioyoni mwao, kwa kuwa ni muda wa kusamehe! Kama
kifo kikimsitukiza mtu aliyeshindwa kusamehe, huyo mtu atakwenda kuzimu, kwakuwa hakuna
awezaye kununua maisha.” Tulipoondoka hapo, bibi yangu mkubwa alifunikwa na moto na
akapiga makelele, "Aaaah," na akaanza kutukana jina la Mungu, na kumlaani Bwana; kila mtu
kuzimu humtukana Mungu.
Tulipoondoka eneo lile, nikaona kuwa kuzimu imejaa roho ziteswazo. Watu wengi huinua mikono
nje, wakimwomba Yesu msaada wa kuwatoa nje. Lakini Bwana hakuwa na lolote la kufanya kwao,
nao huanza kumtukana Mungu. Mara Yesu hulia sana na kusema, “Inaniumiza sana kuwasikia,
inaniumiza mimi sana wanavyofanya, kwasababu siwezi kufanya lolote kwaajili yao. Ninacho
kueleza ni hiki; nina nafasi kwa hao walioko duniani, ambao hawaajafa, walio hai, wanao muda
wa kutubu!”
Bwana akaniambia kuna watu wengi maaruku huku kuzimu, na pia wengi waliomjua Bwana.
Akasema, “Nitakuonesha upande mwingine wa tanuru.” Tukaenda mahali penye mwanamke
aliyezingirwa na miali ya moto. Alikuwa katika maumivu makubwa na kupiga makelele, akiomba
huruma kwa Bwana. Yesu akanyoosha mkono kwake na akaniambia, “Binti, Yule mwanamke
umwonaye pale, amezingirwa na miali ya moto ni Selena.” Kadri tulivyokuwa tunamkaribia,
akapiga kelele, “Bwana, nihurumie mimi, nisamehe mimi Bwana, nitoe mahali hapa!” lakini
Bwana akamtazama na kusema, "Umechelewa, umechelewa sana, huwezi kutubu sasa.”
Aliponiona mimi akasema, “Tafadhari, nakuomba wewe, waambie watu hivi, tafadhari sema na
usinyamaze; nenda waambie wasije mahali hapa; nenda waambie wasisikilize nyimbo zangu, wala
wasiimbe hizo nyimbo.”(1 Yohana 2:15) Nikamuuliza, "kwanini unataka mimi niwaambie hivyo?" 12
naye akanijibu, "Kwasababu kila wakati watu wanaposikiliza nyimbo zangu, nateswa zaidi na
zaidi, na mtu anayeimba na kusikiliza nyimbo zangu, anaelekea mahali hapa. Tafadhari, nenda
uwaambie wasije huku; nenda waambie kuzimu ni halisi, ipo kweli!”. Akapiga kelele na mapepo
humchoma mikuki na Selena kulia, “Nisaidie mimi, nihurumie mimi Bwana!” lakini kwa huzuni
Bwana alimwambia, “umechelewa sana.”
Nikaangalia pande zote za eneo lile, lilikuwa limejaa waimbaji na wasanii waliokufa. Walikuwa
wakiimba na kuimba, bila kusimama. Bwana akanifafanulia, “Binti, mtu aliyepo hapa, lazima
aendelee kufanya kile alichokuwa anafanya duniani, kama hajatubu."
Kadri nilivyokuwa naangalia eneo lile, niliona mapepo mengi yakinyunyiza vitu kama mvua.
Nilidhani ni mvua inanyesha. Lakini niliona watu kwenye miali ya moto wakikimbia mbali na ile
mvua na kupiga yowee, “Hapana, nisaidie, Bwana!..... Hapana, haiwezekani kuwa hivyo,” na
mapepo yalikuwa yanacheka na kuwaambia watu, “Sifu na kuabudu kwasababu hapa ni ufalme
wenu milele na milele!” Niliona miali ya moto ikiongezeka na funza za watu zikiongezeka zaidi!
Hayakuwa maji yale bali kiberiti cha kuongeza miali ya moto na kuongea maumivu ya kila mtu.
Nikamuuliza Yesu, “Ni nini kinachotokea?..... Bwana, ni nini hiki?” Bwana akanijibu, “Huu ni
ujira wa yeyote asiyetubu.” (Zaburi 11:6).
Bwana akanipeleka mahali alipo mtu aliyejulikana sana. Kabla ya maono haya, nilishi maisha kama
msichana wa kikristo wa nia mbili. Nilidhani kila mtu anayekufa anakwenda Mbinguni; wale
walifanyiwa ibada za mazishi watakwenda mbinguni, kumbe sikuwa sahihi, nilikosa. Alipofariki
Papa John Paul II, marafiki zangu na ndugu walisema amekwenda mbinguni. Taarifa zote kwenye
LUNINGA [TV], na vyombo mbalimbali vya habari vilisema, "Papa John Paul II amefariki,
apumzike kwa amani. Anafurahia sasa kuwa na Bwana na malaika Mbinguni" na mimi niliamini
yote kuwa ndivyo. Lakini kumbe nilikuwa najidanganya mwenyewe, kwasababu nimemwona
kuzimu, akiteswa kwa miali ya moto. Nilimtazama uso wake, alikuwa mwenyewe Papa John Paul
II! Bwana akaniambia, “Angalia, Binti, Yule mwanaume umwonaye pale, ni Papa John Paul II.
Yuko hapa; akiteswa kwasababu hakutubu.”
Papa John Paul II
Lakini nikamuuliza, “Bwana, kwanini yuko hapa? Alikuwa akihubiri kanisani.” Yesu akanijibu,
“Binti, hakuna mwasherati, wala muabudu sanamu, hakuna mchoyo na hakuna mwongo
atakayerithi ufalme wangu.” (Eph 5:5) Nikamjibu, “Ndiyo, najua ni kweli, lakini nataka kujua
kwanini yuko hapa, kwasababu alikuwa akiwahubiria umati wa watu!" Na Yesu akanijibu, “Ndiyo,
Binti, alisema mengi, lakini hakusema kweli kama ilivyo. Hakusema kweli na kweli aliijua na
japokuwa aliijua kweli, alipenda fedha zaidi ya kuhubiri habari za wokovu. Hakutoa uhalisia;
hakusema kuzimu ni halisi na mbinguni kupo; Binti, sasa yuko mahali hapa."
Nilipomwangalia mtu huyu, alikuwa na joka kubwa lenye sindano nyingi mwilini mwake,
limemzingira shingoni, naye hujaribu kumtoa. Nalimwomba Yesu, “Bwana, msaidie!” Mwanaume
hupiga kelele, “Nisaidie mimi, Bwana nihurumie; nitoe mahali hapa; nisamehe mimi! Ninatubu
Bwana; Nataka nirudi duniani, nataka nirudi duniani nikatubu.” Bwana alimtazama na
kumwambia, “Ulijua vizuri yote haya. Ulijua vema kuwa kuzimu ni halisi, ipo……..
umechelewa; hakuna tena nafasi kwaajili yako.”
Bwana akasema, “Tazama Binti, nitakonesha maisha ya mtu huyu.” Yesu akanionesha kioo
kikubwa kama LUNINGA [TV]; nikaona alivyotoa misa mara nyingi kwa umati wa watu. Na watu
wale walivyokuwa waabudu sanamu. Yesu akasema, “Tazama, Binti, wapo waabudu sanamu
wengi hapa [Kuzimu]. Ibada ya sanamu haiwezi kuokoa Binti. Ni mimi pekee niwezaye kuokoa,
na nje yangu hakuna mwingine aokoaye. Nawapenda wenye dhambi, lakini nachukia dhambi
Binti. Nenda na uwaambie wanadamu kuwa nawapenda na ninataka waje kwangu.”
Kadri Bwana alivyokuwa akisema, nilianza kuona mtu huyu akipokea makusanyo makubwa ya
sarafu na fedha; vyote alivihifadhi. Alikuwa na fedha nyingi sana. Naliona sura yake imeketi katika
mamlaka yake, lakini pia naliweza kuona zaidi. Japo ni kweli watu hawa hawaoi, ninakuhakikishia
wewe, sizushi, Bwana alinionesha mimi, wanalala na masista; na wanawake wengi!
Bwana akanionesha watu hawa wanaishi kwa uasherati, na neno linasema hakuna mwasherati
atakayerithi ufalme wake. Kadri nilivyokuwa naona, Bwana akaniambia, “Tazama, Binti, yote
ninayokuonesha, ndiyo yanayoendelea, ndivyo alivyoishi [Papa] na ndivyo yanayotokea katikati
ya watu wengi, katikati ya mapadre na mapapa waliopo.” Kisha Bwana akasema, “Binti, nenda
na uwaambie wanadamu ni muda wa kugeukia.”
Bwana akanionesha sehemu watu wengi wanavyoelekea kuzimu. Nikamuuliza, “Bwana, namna
gani wanakuja huku?” akanijibu, “Nitakuonesha.” Akanionesha lango lenye watu wengi wakipita.
Watu hawa walikuwa wamefungwa toka mikononi hadi miguuni. Walivaa mavazi meusi na kubeba
mizigo mgongoni mwao. Yesu akasema, “Binti, hao watu uwaonao hawanijui mimi bado. Mizigo
waliyobeba ni dhambi, lakini nenda waambie walete mizigo kwangu, nami nitawapumzisha; kwa
kuwa mie ndiye mwenye kusamehe dhambi zao zote…. Binti, nenda na uwaambie waje kwangu,
kwani nawasubiri na mikono yangu iko wazi kuwapokea, na uwaambie hapo wanaelekea mahali
hapa [kuzimu].”
Kadri nilivyokuwa nawatazama watu wakitembea, nikamwambia, “Bwana, Yule mtu pale ni
binamu yangu; na Yule kijana pia, Bwana, na Yule binti pale anayelekea kuzimu; oh familia yangu
inakuja huku kuzimu!” Bwana akajibu, “Binti, wanakuja huku, lakini nenda uwaeleze
wanakoelekea, nenda waeleze kuwa wanakwenda kuzimu. Nenda waeleze kuwa nimekuchagua
wewe uwe mlinzi wangu…… nimekuchagua wewe kama mlinzi, hii inamaanisha kuwa
unatakiwa uwaambie ukweli. Unatakiwa uende uwaeleze yote niliyokuonesha wewe. Kama
hutawaambia na jambo likampata mtu huyu, damu yake itakuwa juu yako, lakini ukiende na
kufanya nilivyokueleza, hapo mtu huyu nitamdai mwenyewe. Kama mtu hatatubu, hapo wajibu
ulionao utaondolewa, kwa kuwa atadaiwa mwenyewe na damu yake haitakuwa juu yako.
(Ezekia 3:18)"
Yesu akaniambia wengi wa watu maarufu wanaelekea huku [kuzimu], maarufu na watu muhimu.
Kwa mfano, Michael Jackson. Huyu alikuwa maarufu duaniani kote lakini alikuwa mjumbe wa 14
shetani. Japokuwa wengi wanaweza wasione na kuelewa hivyo, lakini huo ndiyo ukweli. Huyu
alikuwa na mkataba na shetani: alikubaliana na shetani ili awe na heshima na sifa ilikuwa vutia
wapenzi wengi.
Hizo hatua na mitindo aliyokuwa anafanya, ndivyo nilivyoona mimi mapepo yakicheza na
kutembea yanapotesa watu kuzimu. Yalikuwa yanateleza kwa kurudi nyuma na siyo mbele, huku
yakipiga kelele; yakifurahia mateso wanayopata watu. Ngoja nikuambia wewe kuwa Michael
Jackson yuko kuzimu. Bwana alinionesha baada ya kufa Michael. Alinionesha Michael Jackson
akiteswa kwenye miali ya moto. Nikalia kwa Yesu, “Kwanini?” haikuwa rahisi kuona mtu huyu
alivyokuwa anateswa na alivyokuwa analia na kupiga mayowe. Yeyote anayesikiliza nyimbo za
Michael Jackson au kuziimba au ni mpenzi/shabiki wa Michael Jackson, ninakuonya kuwa shetani
anakutega katika mtego wake ili mwisho uishie kuzimu. Mara hii, jitoe na kumkana shetani kwa
jina Yesu! Yesu anataka kukuweka huru wewe, ili usipotee milele. Bwana akaniambia, “Binti,
kuna watu wanijuao pia wanakuja huku.” Nikamuuliza, “Bwana, inakuwa je mtu akujue harafu
aje huku?” akanijibu, “Mtu Yule aliyeacha njia zangu na mtu Yule anayeishi aina mbili za
maisha [wokovu na dhambi].” Akaanza kunionesha watu wanaoelekea kuzimu. Walikuwa
wamefungwa kamba toka mikononi hadi miguuni. Kila mmoja alivaa vazi jeupe, lakini
limetobokatoboka, lina-mabakamabaka na limekunjamana. Yesu akaniambia, “Binti, angalia watu
walioniacha mimi. Binti, nataka kukueleza, siji duniani kwaajili ya watu hawa. Nakuja kwaajili
ya watakatifu, waliotayari, wasiolaumiwa, wasio na makunyanzi na wasio na mawaa…… nenda
uwaambie warejee kwenye njia zao za zamani,” (Efeso 5:26-27) Nilianza kuwaona wengi
miongoni mwa wajomba zangu na watu wengine wengi waliorudi nyuma na kuziacha njia za
Bwana. “Nenda kawaambie ninawasubiri, walete mizigo yao nami nitawapumzisha." YESU
alikuwa analia baada ya kusema hayo, “Binti, wanakuja huku [kuzimu]. Nenda kawaambie
wajomba zako; nenda kawambie ndugu zako kuwa wakuja huku! Binti, wengi hawatakuamini,
lakini mimi ni shahidi wako mwaminifu, ni shahidi wako mwaminifu. Sitakuacha wewe. Hata
kama hawataamini, Binti, nenda na uwaambie ukweli huu, kwa kuwa nipo nawe. Pia Binti
nitakuonesha jinsi watu wanavyofika huku.”
Tulikwenda kwenye lango, ambapo tuliona umati wa watu wakiangukia ndani ya shimo kubwa.
Siyo elfu moja wala elfu mbili, bali wingi wake kama mchanga wa bahari, hawana idadi!
Walikuwa wananguka kwa kila sekunde, mfano wa mkono uliojaa mchanga umwakikapo chini.
Zile roho zilikuwa zinaanguka kwa kasi. YESU alikuwa akilia, na kusema, “Binti hivi ndivyo
wanadamu wanavyopotea; hivi ndiyo mwanadamu apoteavyo!!!..... Binti, inaniumiza sana mimi
nionavyo wanadamu wanavyoangamia.”
YESU akasema, “maapepo pia hufanya mikutano huku.” Na nikasema, “mapepo yanafanya
mikutano?” Yesu akasema, "Ndiyo, Binti, wanakutana kupanga, kupanga watavyowafanya
wanadamu. Wanakutana kila siku kwa siri.” Na kwa hilo, Yesu akanipeleka kwenye sero, 15
ambapo niliona meza ya mbao na viti vikizunguka meza. Na palikuwa na mapepo, aina zote za
mapepo. Yesu akaelezea, “Binti, wanapanga kwenda kuharibu nyumba/familia za wachungaji,
wamisionari, wainjilisti na wote wanijuao mimi. Binti wanataka kuwaharibu; wanamishale
Mapepo hucheka na kudhihaki, na kusema, “acha tuwaharibu wanadamu na kuwaleta huku.” Yesu
akasema, “Nenda na uwaambie nipo pamoja nao watu wangu. Waambie wasiache milango wazi,
wasimpe nafasi shetani, kwa kuwa shetani anazunguka-zunguka kama simba angurumaye,
akimtafuta wa kummeza. (1 Petro 5:8)" Lakini neno linasema, "anatembea kama", kwasababu
simba halisi, ni Simba wa Yuda, Yesu Kristo wa Nazareti (Ufunuo 5:5)! Yesu akasema, "Binti,
wanataka kuharibu/kuangamiza familia za wachungaji.” Nikamuuliza, “Kwanini wanataka
kuharibu familia za wachungaji?” na Yesu akajibu, “Kwasababu wanawajibu wa maelfu ya watu
ambao ni kondoo wa kundi; kondoo wa kundi Bwana aliowakabidhi wao. Wanataka watu hao
warudie dunia tena; waangalie nyuma na kuishia kuzimu…. Nenda kawaambie wachungaji
kusema iliyo kweli tupu. Waeleze wahubiri kweli tupu na kusema kila kitu ninachowaambia na
wasinyamaze nayo haya ninayowaambia!”
Tulipokuwa tunaondoka hapo, akaniambia, “Nataka nikuoneshe kitu kingine…. Wapo pia watoto
huku.” Na nikamjibu, “watoto huku Bwana? Kwanini wawepo watoto huku? Neno lako lasema,
'Waacheni watoto wadogo waje kwangu, na msiwazuie: kwa maana Ufalme wa Mbinguni ni wao."
(Mathayo 19:14) Yesu akajibu, “Binti, ni kweli, ufalme wa mbinguni ni wao, lakini mtoto lazima
aje kwangu, kwa kuwa kila ajaye kwangu sitamtupa kamwe." (Yohana 6:37) Ghafla, Bwana
akanionesha mvulana wa miaka nane akiteswa kwenye moto. Mvulana akalia, “Bwana nihurumie
mimi, nitoe mahali hapa, sitaki kuwepo hapa!” aliendelea kupiga kulia na kelele. Nikaona mapepo
yamemzunguka mtoto huyu, yaliyofanana na cartoon. Kulikuwa na aina za Dragon, BoyZ, Ben 10,
Pokémon, Doral, na nyingine nyingi. “Bwana, kwanini mtoto huyu yuko huku?" Yesu akanionesha
picha ya mkanda wa maisha mtoto huyu. Nilimwona anavyotumia muda karibia wote kwenye
LUNINGA [TV] akiangalia cartoon.
Cartoon ya Ben 10: Pokemon:
Yesu akasema, "Binti, hayo maigizo ya cartoon, sinema zake, michezo mbalimbali ya kuigiza
inayooneshwa kila siku kwenye LUNINGA [TV] ni vyombo vya shetani atumiavyo kuwaharibu
wanadamu….. tazama, binti ilivyotokea kwa mtoto huyu." Nilimwona jinsi mtoto huyu
alivyokuwa mkaidi na asiye mtii kwa wazazi wake. Wazazi wake aliposema naye alikimbia na
kutupatupa vitu ovyo na kuto-watii. Baada ya hapo akagongwa na gari na ukawa mwisho wa
maisha yake. Yesu akasema, “Tangu hapo yupo mahali hapa.”
Nilimtazama mtoto Yule akiteswa. Yesu akasema, "Binti, nenda na uwaambie wazazi
wawaelekeze watoto wao kama ilivyo katika neno langu.”(Mithali 22:6) Neno la Mungu ni halisi, 16
linatuambia tumwonye mtoto kwa fimbo, lakini si kila wakati, pale tu mtoto anapoonyesha ukaidi
kwa wazazi. (Mithali 22:15)
Bwana akaniambia kitu cha kuhuzunisha sana na kuumiza mno. Akasema, “Binti, wapo watoto
wengi sana huku kwasababu ya cartoon, kwasababu ya ukaidi.” Nikamuuliza, “Bwana, kwanini
lawama ziwe hizi cartoon?” Naye akanieleza, “Kwasababu ni mapepo yanayobeba ukaidi, kiburi,
ukali na chuki kwa watoto, ili wasifanye vitu vizuri; na mapepo mengine huwaingia watoto ili
wasifanye mambo mazuri, bali wafanye mabaya: vile waonavyo kwenye LUNINGA [TV] watoto
hutaka kufanya vivyo hivyo.” Kuzimu ipo, kuzimu ni halisi, na watoto lazima waamue
watakwenda na nani. Nikasema, “Bwana, niambia, kwanini kuna watoto huku?” na Yesu akanijibu,
“Mara watoto wapatapo kujua kuna mbinguni na kuzimu, hapo wanayonafasi ya kuchagua.”
Kuna mengi ya kusema juu ya kuzimu, lakini kwasasa niwashirikishe niliyoyaona Mbinguni. Yesu
akasema, "Binti, sasa nitakuonesha nilichowaandalia watakatifu wangu.” Tuliondoka kule
kuzimu kupitia lango lake. Tulipokuwa tukisafiri kutoka nje ya kuzimu, ghafla tukatokea mahali
penye mwanga. Sikuona giza tena, mateso wala miale ya moto. Akasema, “Binti, nitakuonesha
utukufu wangu,” na tukaanza kupanda juu kwenda Ufalme wa Mbinguni! Mara tukafika kwenye
mlango wenye maandishi makubwa yaliyoandikwa kwa dhahabu, yalisema: “Karibu
kwenye Ufalme wa Mbinguni.”
Yesu akasema, “Binti, ingia, kwa kuwa mimi ni Mlango na kila aingiaye kupitia kwangu,
ataingia na kupata marisho.”(Yohana 10:9)
Baada ya Bwana kusema maneno hayo, mlango ukafunguka na tukaingia. Niliwaona malaika
wakimpa utukufu, heshima na sifa Baba Yetu wa Mbinguni! (Ufunuo 7:11-12) Kadri tulivyozidi
kutembea, tulikaribia meza niliyoweza kuona mwanzo wake laini siyo mwisho. (Ufunuo 19:9)
Niliona enzi kubwa, na enzi ndogo zimezungukwa na maelfu ya viti. Katikati ya viti niliona mavazi
na mataji. Bwana akaniambia, “Binti, taji unayoiona pale ni taji ya Uzima."(Ufunuo2:10)
Yesu akasema, “Tazama, Binti, hii ndiyo niliyowaandalia watu wangu.” Niliona ile meza
imefunikwa na vitambaa vyenye upindo wa dhahabu. Kulikuwa na sahani, glasi za dhahabu,
matunda; kila kitu kimeandaliwa. Ilikuwa nzuri ajabu. Kulikuwa na chombo kikubwa katikati ya
meza, kilichokuwa na mvinyo tayari kwa mulo. Na Yesu akasema, “Binti, kila kitu kipo tayari kwa
ujio wa kanisa langu.”
Tulikwenda mahali pengine, niliwaona watu wengi wakiwa bustanini. Kulikuwa na watu
wanaofahamika sana kwenye Biblia, lakini hawakuwa wazee, bali vijana. Palikuwa na kijana akiwa
na kitambaa mkononi, akicheza na kuzungukazunguka na kumsifu Bwana. Yesu akasema, “Binti,
Yule kijana pale ni mtumishi wangu Daudi.” Alikuwa akimpa utukufu Baba yetu. Ghafla, kijana
mwingine akapita na Yesu akaniambia, “Binti, huyu ni Joshua; Yule Musa; na Yule pale ni
Ibrahimu.” Yesu huwaita kwa majina yao. Wote walikuwa na mwonekano mmoja! Ajabu sana
Mbinguni! Yesu akasema, “Mwanamke Yule ni mtumishi wangu, Maria Magdalena; na Yule
mtumishi wangu Sara."
Lakini pia akaniambia, “Binti, huyu ni Maria. Maria, aliyemzaa Yesu Kristo, ambaye ni mimi.
Binti, nikwambie, yeye hana habari ya yanayotokea duniani. Nataka kukwambia, nenda
kawaambie wanadamu, waambie waabudu sanamu kuwa kuzimu ni halisi, na waabuduo
sanamu hawata urithi Ufalme wangu, lakini waambie kama wakitubu, wataweza kuingia makao
ya mbinguni. Nenda waambie nawapenda na pia waambie Maria hajui chochote
[kinachotendeka duniani] na pekee wanayeweza kuheshimu ni mimi, kwasababu si maria wala
mtakatifu Gregory wala mtakatifu yeyote awezaye kuokoa. Mimi ndiye niokoaye na nje yangu-
hakuna yeyote, hakuna yeyote, hakuna yeyote – aokoaye!” Alirudia mara tatu-kuwa hakuna
yeyote awezaye kuokoa; isipokuwa yeye.
Wanadamu wamedanganywa na kuamini kuwa kwa kupitia wadhaniwao ni watakatifu, sivyo
ilivyo, bali ni mapepo, yafanyayo kazi kupitia sanamu zilizofanywa kwa mikono ya watu. Lakini
ngoja nikueleze kwamba Bwana anataka kukupa kilicho bora. Anataka wewe uingie katika Ufalme
wa Mbinguni; tubu na kuacha uabudu sanamu. Kwasababu ibada ya sanamu haitakuokoa wewe.
Yesu Kristo wa Nazareti ndiye pekee aokoaye, aliyeutoa uhai wake kwaajili yako, yangu na
kwaajili ya wanadamu wote. Bwana ana ujumbe mzito kwa wanadamu. Huku akilia aliniambia,
“Tafadhari, Binti, usikae kimya; nenda na uwaambie ukweli, nenda na uwaambie
nilichokuonesha wewe.”
Sanamu za Maria na Waumini wa kisujudia
Nilimwona Maria akimwabudu Bwana, na niliwaona wanawake wakiwa na nywele ndefu nzuri.
Nikasema, “Bwana, wanapendeza sana walivyoweka nywele zao.” Akaniambia, “Binti, kile
uonacho ni utaji niliowapa wanawake.” Akaongeza, “Binti, nenda na uwaambie wanawake
watunze utaji niliowapa.” 18
Kisha akaniambia, “Nina kitu cha muhimu cha kukuonesha.” Nikatazama mbali kidogo na kuona
MJI UNG’AAO, MJI WA DHAHABU! Nikasema, “Bwana, kile ni nini? Nataka kwenda pale.”
Akanijibu, “Binti, nitakuonesha kilichopo pale. Ukionacho ni makao ya Mbinguni, majumba ya
Mbinguni yaliyotayari kwaajili ya watu wangu.”
Tulianza kutembea, hadi tukafika kwenye daraja la dhahabu. Mara tulipovuka daraja, tukafika
kwenye mitaa iliyotengenezwa kwa dhahabu safi! (Ufunuo 21:21)
Kila kitu kilikuwa kizuri sana, kuzuri sana pale, kunang’aa kama kioo, ni mahali pasipo pakawaida,
hakuelezeki! Tuliona majumba ya ki-mbinguni na pia tuliwaona, maelfu ya malaika wakijenga.
Baadhi ya malaika walikuwa wanajenga kwa haraka ya ajabu, na wengine pole pole na wengine
walikuwa wamesimama kabisa kujenga. Nikamuuliza Bwana, “Kwanini malaika wengine
wanajenga haraka haraka, wengine polepole, na wengine wamesimama?" Bwana akanieleza,
“Binti, hivyo ndivyo wafanyavyo watu wangu duniani, na malaika wanafanya kama wafanyavyo
watoto wangu duniani…. Binti, watu wangu hawahubiri neno langu. Watu wangu hawafungi
tena. Watu wangu hawaendi mtaani kusambaza ujumbe wa neno langu kwa vipeperushi
vinavyoeleza ukweli. Watu wanaona aibu kuhubiri. Nenda kawaambie watu wangu warudi
kwenye njia za zamani. Wale malaika uliowaona hawafanyi chochote ni malaika wa watu wangu
waliorudi nyuma na kuacha njia zangu… Binti, nenda waambie watu wangu warudi njia zao za
zamani,” (Yeremia 6:16) na baada ya kusema haya akaanza kulia Bwana.
Nikasikia watu wengine wakiimba, hivyo nikamuuliza, “Bwana, nataka unipeleke kule, ambako
watu wanaimba.” Yesu alikuwa akiniangalia, nakwambia jinsi alivyokuwa ananiangalia, sikuweza
kuona vema uso wake bali alikuwa akigeuza uso wake. Wakati huo machozi yalikuwa
yakimtiririkia kwenye vazi lake, nikamuuliza kwanini analia. Lakini hakuweza kunieleza.
Baadaye tulifika kwenye bustani nzuri sana. Pale katika majumba ya mbinguni, niliona maua
yalikuwa yakiyumbayumba huku na huku kama yapulizwayo na upepo. Hizi huenda ndizo sauti za
kuimba nilizozisikia. Bwana akaninyoshea kidole na kusema, “Binti, tazama, maua yananisifu
mimi; yananiabudu mimi! Watu wangu hawafanyi hivi tena kama walivyokuwa wanafanya
mwanzo. Watu wangu hawanisifu, hawaniiabudu mimi; hawanitafuti mimi kama mwanzo.
Ndiyo maana nalikwambia mwanzo, Binti, nenda na uwaambie watu wangu wanitafute, kwa
kuwa nitakwenda, nitakwenda, nitakwenda kwa wanaonitafuta kwa roho na kwa kweli, kwa
watu walio tayari, kwa watakatifu!” na huku akilia akasema, “Ninakuja, ninakuja!” hapo
nikaelewa kwanini alikuwa analia, kwasababu anakuja, lakini si kwa wasio na nia, watu wa nia
mbili [vuguvugu]. Atarudi kwa wale tu wanaomtafuta katika roho na kweli.
Ndipo Bwana akaniambia ninatakiwa kurudi duniani. Nikasema, “Bwana, Sitaki kurudi duniani!
Unamaanisha nini- duniani? Nataka kubaki na wewe Bwana. Umenileta huku na mimi siendi
kokote kwasababu niko na wewe!”
Yesu akasema, “Binti, ni muhimu urudi duniani ili ukashuhudie kwamba utukufu wangu ni
halisi, yote niliyokuonesha kuwa ni kweli; ili wanadamu waje kwangu, watubu na
wasiangamie.” Bwana akaanza kulia, nami nikaanguka miguuni pake; nikaona vidonda kwenye
miguu yake. Nikamuuliza, “Bwana, hivi ni vidonda vya nini?” akajibu, “Binti, ni vidonda ya jana,
nilipotoa maisha yangu kwaajili ya wanadamu.”
Bwana akanionesha vidonda vyake vya mikononi, nilimuuliza, “Bwana, kwanini ungalinavyo hata
sasa?” akaniambia, “Binti, ni vidonda vilivyobaki.” Hivyo nikamuuliza, “je vitapona?” akanijibu,
“Vitapona na kufutika tu baada ya watakatifu wote kuungana hapa….. Binti, lazima
nikurudishe duniani: Familia yako na mataifa yanakusubiri wewe.”
Nilijaribu kukataa lakini akanyosha kidole chake chini duniani na kusema, “Tazama, wale watu
uwaonao chini pale ni ndugu zako; na mwili ule uuonao pale, ndiyo utakaoingia…… ni muda
wa kuondoka mahali hapa.” Baada ya hapo akaanipeleka kwenye mto mzuri mwangavu na
akasema, “Binti, ingia katika mto na jizamishe mwenyewe.” Kabla sijaingia ndani ya mto wa maji
ya uzima, nilikuwa najisikia furaha ya ajabu, lakini baada ya kujizamisha na kutoka nje, nilipata
furaha kuu. Nilidhani sitarudi tena nyumbani kwetu, lakini Bwana akaniambia, “Binti, unatakiwa
kurejea duniani….. Binti, nitakuonesha kitu: jinsi nitakavyorudi mara ya pili kwaajili ya watu
wangu watakatifu. Nitakuonesha jinsi siku ile ya kutisha itakavyokuwa.”
Tulitembea hadi sehemu yenye kioo kikubwa kama LUNINGA [TV], nikaona watu. Niliweza
kuona dunia yote. Ghafla nikaona maelfu ya watu wakipotea. Wanawake wenye mimba, mimba
zilipotea, na wakawa kama wamechanganyikiwa na kupiga mayowe.
Watoto walitoweka pande zote. Watu wengi walikuwa akikimbia huko na huku, wakipiga kelele,
“Haiwezekani, haiwezekani, nini hiki kitokeacho?”
Niliwaona wale waliomjua Bwana na kuachwa nyuma. (Mat.24:40-41) Walikuwa wakisema Kristo
amekuja, furaha imetimia. Walikuwa wakipiga kelele na kutafuta kujiua wenyewe lakini
hakuwezekana. Bwana akaniambia, “Binti, siku hizo kifo kitawakimbia; Binti, siku hizo Roho
Mtakatifu hatakuwepo tena.” (Ufunuo 9:6) kulikuwa na ajali nyingi lakini sikuona hata mtu
mmoja aliyekufa: wote walikuwa wazima japokuwa wameumia [majeruhi].
Niliona mlolongo mrefu wa maelfu ya watu. Akaniambia, “Binti, tazama, hivi ndivyo kila kitu
kitakavyokuwa.” Kisha nikaona watu wakikimbia kutoka sehemu moja kwenda nyingine, wakipiga
kelele, Kristo kaja, Kristo kaja!” wakisihi, “Bwana nisamehe mimi, nisamehe mimi, nichukue
Baada ya Bwana kuwachukua watu wake [Unyakuo]
Lakini kwa huzuni Bwana akasema, “Watakuwa wamechelewa. Muda wa kutubu ni sasa…. Binti,
nenda kawaambia wanadamu wanitafute mimi, wakati huo hakutakuwa na nafasi. (Isaya 55:6)
Binti, watakuwa wamechelewa wote watakaobakia nyuma.” Baada ya Yesu kuona watu
wataobaki nyuma akaanza kulia na kusema, “Binti, nitakwenda duniani kama neno lisemavyo
katika 1 Thes. 4: 16-17: “Kwasababu Bwana mwenyewe atashuka kutoka mbinguni pamoja na
mwaliko, na sauti ya malaika mkuu, na parapanda ya Mungu; nao waliokufa katika Kristo
watafufuliwa kwanza. Kisha sisi tulio hai, tuliosalia, tutanyakuliwa pamoja nao katika mawingu,
ili tumlaki Bwana hewani; na hivyo tutakuwa pamoja na Bwana milele. Basi farijianeni kwa
maneno hayo.”
Lakini si kila mtu atakwenda na Bwana, wale tu wafanyao mapenzi yake (Mathayo 7:21) na aishiye
maisha matakatifu. Kwa kuwa Bwana aliniambia, “Wale tu walio watakatifu wataoingia Ufalme
wa Mbinguni, (Waebrania 12:14) Hakuna ajuaye, siku wala saa nitakayokuja kwaajili ya watu
wangu watakatifu, hata malaika hawajui.” (Mathayo 24:36)
Kwenye Kioo cha LUNINGA [TV] niliona watu wakikimbia huko na huku. Magazeti yalisema
“KRISTO AMEKUJA.” Kioo kikafungwa, na Yesu akamalizia kwa kusema, “Ninakuja kwa
watakatifu.” Hivi ndivyo alivyonionesha mimi. Baada ya hapo akanirudisha duniani hapa. Tukiwa
na kusanyiko la malaika wengi wakituzunguka, tulianza kushuka ngazi nzuri kama nini; ngazi
nyeupe na maua yakizunguka. Nilikuwa nalia njia nzima kushuka chini, nikimsihi Yesu, “Bwana
tafadhari usiniache hapa. Nichukue niwe nawe!” Alinijibu, “Binti, mataifa yanakusubiri,
familia yako wanakusubiri wewe…….. Binti, lazima urejee mwili wako. Lazima upokee uhai
wako, Binti, ili uweze kwenda kushuhudia yote uliyoyaona. Wengi hawatakuamini wewe; wengi
watakuamini, bali mimi ni shahidi wako mwaminifu. Niko pamoja nawe. Sitakuacha kamwe."
Binti yangu aliporudi, tulikuwa tunamsubiri pale, na alikuwa amelazwa pale pale chini sakafuni.
Nikasikia mguno, "uuhmm," bila kitu. Nikasema, “ahsante Bwana kwasababu Binti yangu
Sote tulimshukuru Bwana. Mara akaanza kupumua polepole, kidogo kidogo. Baada ya muda wa
masaa matano, alikuwa na uwezo wa kufumbua macho na kusema. Mwanzo tulipata shida
kumuelewa asemacho; ilikuwa ni vigumu kumuelewa. Hakuwa na nguvu kabisa. Ilibidi tufunge
madirisha kwasababu macho yake hayakuwa na uwezo wa kuhimili mwanga.
Kwakuwa wadadisi, sote tulitaka atueleze alichoona. Lakini kwa kuwa alikuwa dhaifu, aliweza
kutueleza kidogo tu. Ilimchukua karibu wiki mbili hadi alipoweza kutushirikisha habari nzima ya
ushuhuda wake.
Mapepo yalikuja kumtesa baada ya hayo yote. Aliweza kuyaona waziwazi; yalijaribu kujificha
kwenye vivuli. Yalikuwepo hapa karibu siku tatu mfululizo tangu arudi, kabla hajaweza kutueleza.
Aliyauliza yalikuwa yanataka nini, nayo yakamjibu, “tumekuja kufanya mkataba nawe……. Ni
lazima ufunge mdomo, ni lazima usiseme lolote ya hayo uliyaona kule chini, kwasababu ukisema,
tutakuuwa.” Aliyaelezea yalivyo mapepo, yana sura mbaya, makubwa na manene yanatisha.
Alisema hakuna maneno yakuelezea jinsi yatishavyo kwa mwonekano. Alijaribu kuyakemea lakini
yalikataa kuondoka. Yakifika yalikuwa yanamrukia na kumchoma. Naye aliendelea kupambana
nayo na kuyakemea, lakini hakuweza kwasababu hakuwa na nguvu. Siku moja alipokuwa
anayakemea, mwanga mkali wa ajabu ulitokea na yakakimbia yote! Alikuwa ni Bwana.
Alichopitia Binti yangu hakikuwa rahisi. Alipewa ujumbe wenye maono ya ndani kwaajili ya
wanadamu, ili wamtafute Mungu. Wanadamu wanadhani wafanyayo ni sahihi. Vijana wamezama
kwenye madawa ya kulevya na pombe, na kuona ni sawa maisha hayo, lakini si sawa. Miongoni
mwa alioneshwa binti yangu ya kutisha ni wasanii wengi walivyojaa kuzimu, wanamuziki/wacheza
dansi na pia Papa John Paul II. Ni wakati wa kumtafuta Bwana, kutubu, na kujishusha na kujidhiri
mbele za zake. Neno la Mungu ni kweli lisemalo, “Mbingu na nchi zitapita; lakini maneno yangu
hayatapita kamwe.”(Mark 13:31) Neno la Bwana litatimizwa katika muda wake. Bwana
alimwonesha tanuru ambalo watu walikuwa wanatembea kuelekea kuzimu. Na watu wengi tayari
wakiwakuzimu. Ni kweli haya, lakini hata watu wa Mungu hawaamini haya, wengi hawaamini.
Ujumbe mkuu ni kwamba tumtafute Bwana, siyo kwa kinywa/mdomoni, bali kutoka ndani ya
moyo, kwakuwa kurudi kwa Bwana ku-karibu. Yesu alisema, “Siko tena mlangoni; niko zaidi ya
mlangoni. Nakuja muda simrefu; kuja kwangu ku-karibu. Watu wangu wameniacha na
wamerejea mambo ya duaniani……… waambie watu wangu warudie njia zao za zamani.” 22
Kanisa leo linatakiwa kurudia njia zake za zamani; hapa tulipo ni wa motoni, tumtafute Bwana.
Pale parapanda ikilia tuwe tayari kukutana na Bwana, itakuwa ajabu sana!
Angelica akiongea mbele ya haraiki:
Bwana akaniambia, “Binti, siku hizo Roho Mtakatifu hatakuwepo tena duaniani. Siku hizo
hatakuwepo duniani.” (2 Thes. 2:7) Na nikaona msongamano mkubwa wa magari na ajali nyingi
sana. Watu wengi walijaribu kujiua, lakini Yesu akasema, “Watatafuta kifo, lakini kifo
kitawakimbia wanadamu. Kifo hakitakuwepo tena siku hizo.”(Ufunuo 9:6) Nikawaona watu
wakitazama LUNINGA [TV] na kusoma magazeti yakisema, “Maelfu na maelfu wamepotea.”
Wengi watajua kuwa Yesu ameshakuja kwaajili ya watu wake watakatifu. Wale waliomjua Bwana
lakini wameachwa, wakakimbia mitaani wakilia, wakijaribu kujiua wenyewe lakini hawakuweza
Nilipokuwa mbinguni, Yesu alisema, “Nina kuja duniani kwaajili ya watu wangu watakatifu na
ninakuja mapema kwaajili ya kanisa langu.” Lakini wiki mbili zilizo pita Bwana aliniambia,
“Binti, ninafurahishwa na unavyotenda, kwa kuwa unatimiza niliyokuagiza na nakukupa, lakini
usiwaambie watu wangu kuwa nitakuja mapema, waambie ninakuja sasa hivi.” Tena Bwana
akasema, “Waambie watu wangu ninakuja sasa hivi na ninakuja kwa watu watakatifu. Waambie
watu wangu nakuja kwa watakatifu tu, nao ndio wataoniona mimi!.... tena usinyamaze: endelea
kuwashuhudia ninayokwambia.”
Angelica akiomba na haraiki:
Kila mmoja afumbe macho, na weka mkono wako wa kuume kifuani. Inua mkono wa kushoto juu,
kama unajisikia kulia[toba], lia tu. Sasa mweleze Bwana kile unachojisikia moyoni. Kwa wale
waliotayari kumpokea Bwana, wafuatiane nami ktika maneno haya:
Bwana, ninakushukuru kwa Upendo na huruma yako, ahsante Bwana kwa maneno yako
yaliyotufikia mioyoni leo. Baba, ninaomba msamaha kwako, unisamehe. Unisamehe mimi.
Unioshe kwa damu yako ya thamani. Andika jina langu katika kitabu cha uzima. Nipokee/nikubali
mimi niwe mwanao Bwana. Sasa hivi, ninamsamehe kila mtu niliyeshindwa kumsamehe. Ninakana
hali yangu ya kutosamehe. Ninayakana yote yalinizuia nisikufuate Bwana, ninaomba unibadilishe
Bwana na unijaze uwepo wako ndani yangu kila siku. Ahsante Baba, Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu,
Ushuhuda huu siyo uwongo; siyo mzaha; siyo hadithi; siyo ndoto, kuzimu ni kweli ipo! Kuzimu ni
halisia! Kwa yeyote asiyeamini, nataka kukueleza kuzimu ni kweli ipo, ni kweli ni halisi. Ninakosa
maneno zaidi mazuri ya kuelezea uhalisia wa kuzimu. Natamani kama ungeshuhudia wewe
mwenyewe. Lakini tafadhari amini, tii na uonyeke kwa ushuhuda huu [ushuhuda ukuonye na
kukubadilisha] ili uepuke moto wa milele.
Angelica akiongea na Mfasiri/Muelezeaji:
Muda ukaribu sana, Mungu anaruhusu ishara kwa wanadamu zitokee ili kuwaonesha
kitakachotokea. Usibakie ukihukumiwa; ndilo shetani atakalo. Jiulize kama uko tayari ukitembea
kuelekea shimo la kuzimu? Leo ni siku ya wokovu, leo ni siku ya kumkaribisha Yesu, kuwa Bwana
na mwokozi wa maisha yako. Haya ni maneno rahisi lakini ni makubwa sana kusema: “Ninakubali
na kukupokea Yesu uwe Bwana na Mwokozi wangu. Ninakupa wewe maisha yangu na roho yangu
kwa moyo wangu wote. Natakuwa kuwa nawe kwa maisha ya milele.”
Chagua hatima yako baada ya maisha haya: Uzima au mauti, Mbinguni au kuzimu, Yesu au
shetani. Iko wazi, uko upande wa Yesu au upande wa shetani. Au unafanya yaliyo mema au
unafanya yaliyo mabaya. Chagua mwisho wako: uzima wa milele au ziwa la moto. Fikiria jambo
hili. Fanya uamuzi sasa. Yesu Kristo alikufa msalabani kwaajili yetu, kwa dhambi zetu, na akatupa
fursa ya wokovu kwa huruma yake. Mpokee Yesu Kristo kuwa mwokozi wako!
“Sasa umesikia ushuhuda huu, usiipoteze nafasi hii
ukaijutia milele na milele motoni.”
Ufunuo 19:9 ….Heri walioalikwa karamu ya arusi ya mwanakondoo. ……..maneno haya ni
maneno ya kweli ya Mungu.
Ufunuo 20:15 Na iwapo mtu yeyote hakuonekana ameandikwa katika kitabu cha uzima, alitupwa
katika lile ziwa la moto.
Ufunuo 21:4 Naye atafuta kila chozi katika macho yao, wala mauti haitakuwepo tena; wala
maombolezo, wala kilio, wala maumivu hayatakuwepo tena; kwa kuwa mambo ya kwanza
yamekwisha kupita.
Ufunuo 21:1 Kisha nikaona mbingu mpya na nchi mpya; kwa maana mbingu za kwanza na nchi ya
kwanza zimekwisha kupita, wala hapana bahari tena.
Ufunuo 21:8 Bali waoga, na wasioamini, na wachukizao, na wauaji, na wazinzi, na wachawi, na
hao waabuduo sanamu, na waongo wote, sehemu yao ni katika lile ziwa liwakalo moto na kiberiti.
Hii ndiyo mauti ya pili.
“Hakuna waabuduo sanamu wataourithi ufalme wa Mbinguni.”
Kutoka 20:4-5 Usijifanyie sanamu ya kuchonga, wala mfano wa kitu chochote kilicho juu
mbinguni, wala kilicho chini duniani, wala kilicho majini chini ya dunia. Usivisujudie wala
kuvitumikia; kwa kuwa mimi, Bwana, Mungu wako, ni Mungu wenye wivu……..
Ufunuo 21:21 Na milango kumi na miwili ni lulu kumi na mbili; kila mlango ni lulu moja. Na njia
ya mji ni dhahabu safi kama kioo kiangavu.
Ufunuo 21:27 Na ndani hakitaingia kamwe chochote kinyonge, wala yeye afanyaye machukizo na
uongo, bali wale walioandikwa katika kitabu cha uzima cha mwana koondoo wa Mungu.
Ufunuo 22:7 Na tazama, naja upesi; heri yeye ayashikaye maneno ya unabii wa kitabu hiki.
Ufunuo 22:11 Mwenye kudhuluma na azidi kudhulumu; na mwenye uchafu na azidi kuwa mchafu;
na mwenye haki na azidi kufanya haki; na mtakatifu na azidi kutakaswa.
Ufunuo 22:12 Tazama, naja upesi, na ujira wangu u pamoja nami, kumlipa kila mtu kama kazi
yake ilivyo.
Ufunuo 22:13-15 Mimi ni Alfa na Omega, mwanzo na mwisho, wa kwanza na wa mwisho. Heri
wazifuao nguo zao, wawe na amri ya kuuendea huo mti wa uzima, na kuingia mjini kwa milango
yake. Huko nje wako mbwa, na wachawi, na wazinzi, na wauaji, na hao waabuduo sanamu, na kila
mtu apendaye uongo na kuufanya.
Ndugu aliyefasiri ufunuo huu ni Alpha Wilson Magubila ni Mwana UWATA (Uamusho Wa Wakristo Tanzania); Jumuiya
iliyosajiriwa na Yenye Msingi wa Kutubu Dhambi na kuziacha (Mithali 28:13). Waebrania 6:4-6, 2Petro 2:20-22.
Anuani ya Posta: 80405, Dar es Salaam Tanzania, East Africa,
Simu ya Mkononi: +255-754-644559, +255-715-644559.
Barua Pepe:
Prepare to meet your God!
Maxima (the Mother):
My name is Maxima Zambrano Mora and we attend the "Casa de Oracion" Church in El Empalme. We were fasting for 15 days, and crying out to God. My daughter Angelica also joined us. During those fifteen days of fasting, I was able to see beyond the natural, which I've never done before. We were praying and fasting at the retreat, and even continued praying and crying out at home, waiting for God to speak to us.
The Lord gave us much encouragement. Because of our trials, we were often ready to give up, but the Lord was there to help us. He gave us Jeremiah 33:3 "Call unto Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not." My daughter had been emphatically requesting that from Lord, though I didn't know it at the time.
Angelica (The daughter):
My name is Angelica Elizabeth Zambrano Mora. I am 18, and study at the "Colegio José María Velazco Ibarra", here at El Cantón, El Empalme, Ecuador. I first accepted Christ when I was 12, but I told myself, "None of my friends were evangelicals and I felt strange amongst them", so I walked away from God, and lived a bad, terrible life. But God pulled me out of there. On, my 15th Birthday, I was reconciled to the Lord, but I was still double-minded. The Bible says, "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8)and I was one of those persons. My dad would say, "You don't have to be like that, it looks awful, it's wrong," but I would reply, "This is the way I am, and how I want to be, nobody has to tell me how I should be, nor what I should do, nor how I should dress, or behave." He would respond, "God is going to deal with you. He is going to change you."
During my 17 birthday, I came closer to the Lord. On April 28th I came to Him and said, "Lord, I feel so bad, I know that I'm a sinner," and I told Him how I felt. "Lord, forgive me. I want You to write my name in the Book of Life and to accept me as Your child." I repented and gave back my life to the Lord. I said, "Lord, I want You to change me, to make a difference in me." I cried with all my heart, asking the Lord to change me. But, as time passed by I felt no change. The only difference was that I began to attend church, to read the Bible and to pray. That was the only change in my life.Then, in August, I was invited to fast for 15 days. I decided to join, but before entering I said, "Lord, I want you to deal with me here." During the fast, the Lord was speaking to almost everybody, except me! It was as if the Lord had not seen me, and that hurt. I would pray, "Lord, aren't You going to deal with me?" I would cry alone and continue, "Lord, do You love me? Are You here? Are You with me? Why don't You speak to me like You do to everyone else. You speak so many things to other people, even words of prophecy, but not me." I asked for a sign that He was with me, and the Lord gave me Jeremiah 33:3, "Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." I said, "Lord, did You just talk to me?” Because I heard His audible voice and had a vision of the words written in Jeremiah 33:3.I said, "Lord, is that for me?" I kept it to myself, while everyone else was testifying what the Lord had given them and what they had seen. But I kept it secret and would only meditate on the words: "Call unto Me" means to pray, but what did "great and mighty things" mean? I thought, "This can only mean heaven and hell." So I said, "Lord, I only want You to show me heaven, but not hell, because I've heard that it is a horrible place." But I then prayed with all my heart, "Lord if it is Your will to show me what You must, then do so, but change me first. I want You to make a difference in me; I want to be different.”When we finished fasting, there were trials and difficulties and sometimes I felt faint, unable to continue walking with the Lord. But He gave me strength. I started to hear His voice and know Him better. We became good friends. The Lord is our best friend, the Holy Spirit. I told Him, "Lord, You are my best friend. I want to know You better," and shared all my thoughts with Him.I prayed during all of August and then in November, a servant of the Lord came to our house and said, "May the Lord bless you." I replied, "Amen." He then said, "I am here to bring you a message from must prepare yourself, because the Lord will show you great and mighty things which you do not know. He is going to show you Heaven and Hell because you have been asking, from Jeremiah 33:3." I asked, "Yes, how did you know? I haven't told that to anyone." He responded, "The same God that you serve and praise, that very same God I also praise told me everything."Soon we began to pray. Some sisters from our church, and others from my family were there with us praying. But as soon as we started praying, I began to see the Heavens opened. So I said, "I see the Heavens are opening, and 2 angels are coming down!" The man said, "Ask them why they are here."They were tall and beautiful; with beautiful wings. They were large and shining, and seemed transparent, brilliant as gold. They wore crystal sandals and had on holy garments. "Why are you here?" They smiled and said, "We are here because we have a task to carry out...We are here because you must visit Heaven and Hell and we will not leave until all of this comes to pass." I responded, "very well, but I only want to visit heaven, not hell." They smiled, and stayed there, but did not say anything more. After we finished prayer, I could still see them there.I also started to see the Holy Spirit; He is my best friend; He is Holy, He is omniscient; He is omnipresent! I could see Him, transparent and brilliant at the same time; with a brilliant countenance, I could see His smile and His loving gaze! I can hardly describe Him, because He is more beautiful than angels. The angels have their own beauty, but the Holy Spirit is far more beautiful than they are! I could hear His audible voice, a voice full of love, a passionate voice. I just can't explain His voice; a voice like lightening, yet at the same time He would say, "I am with you." so I would strive to continue walking with God, even as trials surrounded us. We were going through very difficult moments, but victorious ones at the same time. I said, "Lord, let Your will be done." I continued to notice the angels even at school, and in my classes. I was so happy, so full of joy because I could actually see them!The servant of the Lord, who visited my house, told me to prepare myself, because I was going to see Heaven and Hell. But he also told me something difficult. He said, "You are going to die." It wasn't easy when I heard this."How am I going to die? I'm so young", I asked. He replied, "Don't worry about anything, everything God does is perfect, and He will bring you back to life, so you can testify about Heaven and Hell, which is what the Lord wants all of us to know about." I said, "Amen, but will I be run over by a car, how will I die?" Ideas came rushing into my mind, but the Lord told me not to worry, everything was under control. I said, "Thank you, Lord!"On November 6th, after I returned home from school, the Angels were still with me, even while praising the Lord. They would not speak to me; all they would say was, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Hallelujah," giving glory, honor and praise to our Heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit was there along with the angels and I would rejoice. Many people say that the gospel is boring, but that is a big lie from the devil to keep people from searching for God's presence. I also used to believe this, but after I met the Lord and the Holy Spirit, I know the gospel is not boring, it is the most beautiful experience you can have on Earth!I could see; play with, and even talk to the Holy Spirit. But the angels would not talk to me, but they would praise the Lord. I would say, "Holy Spirit come along with me to do this or that" and He would be there. I could feel and see Him.I saw Him when He would rise to His feet, and would even prepare a seat for Him. Although many can't see Him, He is here! That relationship has continued, there's no reason to stop it, once you've experienced it…there's no way that I would withdraw. When I consider where He pulled me out from, what I was before, I am so thankful for His mercy, for all His love toward humanity and toward me!On November 7th, when I was returning home, I heard a voice that said, "Be prepared, for you will die today," I knew it was the Holy Spirit because I could see Him. I ignored His voice and said, "Lord, I don't want to die today!" But He repeated, "Be prepared, for you will die today!" This time He said it louder and with greater force. I replied, "Lord, I know it's You talking to me; I only ask for a confirmation and after that, do with me as You will. I'll do whatever You ask, I'll surrender, even if I'm afraid, because I know You are with me and You are real."I prayed, "Let that person you used before, bring me the message. Let him be at my home this instant, before I arrive, and let him tell me that today I will die." Now, somehow the Lord knows our past, present and future. He knew what I would request of Him. So when I arrived home, the servant of the Lord was already there.
When my daughter got home, we were in the kitchen. When Angelica saw the servant of the Lord, she said, "May the Lord bless you." The man of God responded, "God bless you. Are you ready? For today is the day that the Lord will take you, at 4 PM." She just stood there, astonished that the Lord had granted her request.
When I heard this I said, "Amen...but I don't want to die, I can't die! No, Lord, I'm afraid, very much afraid, terrified!" The servant of the Lord said, “Let's pray that your fear will leave now in the name of our Lord." I said, "Amen" and we prayed. Soon I felt all fear leave me, and an indescribable joy came, thinking that death was the best thing that could happen to me! I started to smile and laugh while everyone was looking at me. They could all see that I went from being dismal to joyful. I was smiling, jumping and singing.
My daughter instantly felt joy in her heart and started eating. She had a little bit of everything, saying, "If I don't return, well I've eaten and I'm full."
Everyone started laughing and asked, "Why are you behaving like this instead of being sad, you're happy, you're joyful?" I told them, "Of course: I'm going to see the Lord, I'm going to be with Him, but I don't know if I'll be coming back so I want to give away all my things." They all stared at me and asked, "You're going to give away all your belongings?" My Mom's eyes were wide open in surprise!
My daughter started giving her things away. She gave everything away, everything! Our church sisters were with us, as usual, and she gave something to every one of them. When I questioned her intentions, she said, "If I return, they can give everything back to me, but if I don't come back, then they can keep everything."
I can imagine how sad my Mom must have felt when I said that. But I felt so happy, that I started giving everything away: my clothes, my bed, my cell phone, everything, with one condition: If I come back, everything must be returned to me. They all started laughing.
She was very determined, but as a mother I felt so much sorrow. It wasn't easy. I wondered, "Lord when the moment comes, how will it be?" I couldn't understand. As they started praying, I was arranging thing in the house. They said, "sister, come let's pray." But I replied, "You go on, I will join you shortly. Just let me finish this task."
They were all observing me as we prayed. I prayed, "Lord, I want to do Your will. You're not a man that You would lie or repent, I know You are real. If I am going to fail You, then it's best if You just take me with You; but If I am going to do Your will, then bring me back, but help me say the truth, prepare me, help me to preach and to tell people to repent." That was my shortest prayer. I told this to the servant of the Lord and said, "Don't tell my Mom what I said to the Lord." He replied, "I won't tell her now, but once the Lord has taken you, I'll tell her." We continued praying and came together in a prayer circle.
At 3:30 PM, the Lord told His servant to anoint my daughter. So some of us went into the room and anointed her. He gave us two minutes to anoint her all over, from her hair down, everything, all her body. She was fully anointed.
My Mom and another church sister, Fátima Navarrete, anointed me with oil. But as they were anointing me, I felt something covering me, like a glass that was surrounding me. It's hard to explain, I felt covered with something like armor, and I couldn't explain how I was covered. After that, when they tried to touch me, they no longer could.
As we were praying over Angelica, I was trying to lay my hands on her, but I couldn't touch her! She had some type of covering around her. It was strange, nobody could touch her! This covering started at the top of her head to her feet, about 30cm (12 inches). That was what shocked me the most. I've lay my hands on people before, in service to the Lord, but something like this had never happened before! I said, "Oh, something must be happening," and I started to pray and to give thanks to the Lord. Suddenly, I felt great joy. The sorrow in my heart was gone, the pain was gone, and I now felt joyful and happy! We continued praying and about at 4:00 PM, my daughter fell to the floor.
During prayer, I felt shortness of breath; I couldn't breathe. I felt a pain in my abdomen and in my heart. I felt my blood going dormant, and tremendous pain all over my body. All I could say was, "Lord, give me strength, give me strength!" because I felt I couldn't go on. I had no strength, it was leaving me! When I looked up to heaven, in the spiritual realm, not with my physical eyes, I saw heaven opening up. I saw angels, not two nor ten, but millions of them gathering together. In the midst of the millions of angels, I saw a Light, 10,000 times brighter than the sun. And I said, "Lord that is You who is coming!"
When she fell down, we tried to stand her up, but she was unable to stand on her own. At this time, we were able to touch her. She was saying, "Pray. I don't have strength, Mommy, I don't have strength and I feel pain." First, she felt pain in her heart, and then it went down near her abdomen. We kept on praying and pleading with the Lord. The Lord took her life!
Never before in my life had I seen anybody die. I had to see my daughter, as she was agonizing! It was not easy at all! I couldn't understand her last few words, and at the end she stopped. I placed my hand on her face, and a mirror to her mouth, to see if she was breathing. She had no breath, she just stood still. I held her, she was still warm, as normal. I took a sheet and covered her up, and in a short while she started to get cold, very cold. Her hair was set back, like the hair of a dead person, and she turned icy cold.
Jesus was coming down, and I felt my body dying. As Jesus and the Angels got closer, I felt I was leaving, that I was no longer me. I was no longer alive, I was dying, and it was agonizing! When my body fell to the floor, they were already here. My house was full of angels, and in the midst of the angels I saw a Light, stronger than the sun! It was very difficult; I felt tremendous pain, as my soul and spirit were being torn away.I was crying and screaming, as I saw my body on the floor. I asked, "Lord, what is happening? What is happening?" I wanted to touch my body and get inside it again, but when I tried, it was like to grabbing air: I couldn't touch it. My hand went straight through it. None of those who were praying there could hear me! And I shouted, "Lord, help me!"
My husband arrived while we were praying, and he saw her there. The Lord gave me strength at that moment because I didn't know what to do. It was like she was in a coma, but I knew she was OK, because it was the Lord's work. So I said "Lord, let Your will be done."
The Lord Jesus Christ
At that moment I hear the Lord's voice, a beautiful voice with thunder and love, "Fear not, Daughter, for I am Jehovah, Your God, and I have come here to show you what I have promised you. Arise, for I am Jehovah, who holds you by your right hand and tells you, Fear not, I will help you." Suddenly, I arose. I had been kneeling down, looking at my body, wanting to get back in but not being able to. When I heard His voice, fear had left me, and I was no longer scared.As I started walking, the angels began to open a path. There was a strong light shining, and as I gazed at it, I felt peace. As I looked, I saw a beautiful, tall, elegant, muscular man. Light was projecting from Him. There was too much light for me to see His face! But I could see His beautiful hair of brilliant gold and a white garment with a wide golden girdle that crossed His chest. It read, "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS."I looked at His feet, He was wearing shiny golden sandals, of brilliant gold. He was so beautiful! He extended His hand to me. When I took His hand, it wasn't like when I touched my body, my hand did not go through it. I asked, "What is happening?" And He said, "I am going to show you hell, so that you return and tell humanity that hell is real; that hell exists. And also, My glory will I show you, for you to tell My people to be prepared, for My glory is real and I am real." He said, "Daughter, do not fear"- He said it again and I said, "Lord, it's just that I want to go to heaven, but not hell, because I've heard that it's horrible!" He said, "Daughter, I will be with you. I will not leave you in that place and I am going to show you that place because there are many who know that hell exists, but they have no fear. They believe it's a game, that hell is a joke, and many don't know about it. That is why I am going to show you that place, because there are more that perish than those that are entering My glory." When He said that, I could see tears streaming down to His garments. I asked Him, "Lord, why are you crying?" He replied, "Daughter, because there are more that perish, and I will show you this, so that you will go and tell the truth and so that you will not return to that place."
Suddenly, as He was speaking, everything started to move. The Earth shook and split open, and I saw a very dark hole below.
We were standing on a sort of rock with angels surrounding us. I said, "Lord, I don't want to go to that place!" He said, "Daughter, do not fear for I am with you." In a split second we descended into the dark hole. I tried to see but there was a terrible darkness. I did see a huge circle, and hear millions of voices.I was so hot, I felt my skin burning. I asked, "Lord, what is this? I don't want to go to this place!" The Lord said that this was just the tunnel to hell. There was a horrible, repulsive and nauseating smell, and I begged Jesus not to take me. He responded, "Daughter, it is necessary for you to come and know this place." I cried, "But why, Lord, why?" And He said, 'so that you can tell the truth to humanity; humanity perishes, it's lost and few are entering My Kingdom." In saying this, He would weep. His words strengthened and encouraged me, so I continued walking.We arrived at the end of a tunnel, when I looked down I saw an abyss covered in flames. The Lord said "Daughter, I give this to you." It was a large binder with blank sheets of paper. "Daughter, take this pencil so that you can write all that I will show you, what you will see and hear. You will write everything as you are observing it, as you will live it." I said, "Lord, I will do it, but I am already seeing so much, Lord. I am seeing souls being tormented, and immense flames."
Time was going by, and my daughter was still lying there. "Lord, what is happening?" Tears were coming out of her eyes, but when I wiped them away, they would just come again. I placed a mirror to her mouth to see if she was breathing, there was nothing. We checked her pulse, nothing. We placed a hand on her stomach, nothing. The servant of the Lord said, "The place where she is, is not a place of smiles but a place of torment."
I told Jesus, "I will testify that hell is real, that hell exists, but take me out of here now!" And He replied, "Daughter, we haven't even entered that place, and I have shown you nothing yet, and already you want Me to take you out of this place?" "Lord, please take me out of here," I said. Then we started to descend into the abyss! I started to cry and scream, "Lord, no, no, no, no- I don't want to go!" and He would reply, "You need to see this."I saw horrible demons, of all types, both large and small. They were running so fast, and carrying something in their hands. "Lord, why are they running like that and what are they carrying?" He answered, “Daughter, they run that way because they know their time is running out, because time is so short to destroy humanity and especially My people. That which they carry in their hands are darts to destroy humanity, because each demon is given a name and according to the name that is given to them, they have a dart to destroy that person and bring them to this place; their goal is to destroy that person and bring them to hell." And I would see the demons running and exiting toward Earth and He told me. "They are going to Earth to bring and throw humanity into this place." As He said this He would weep, He would weep so very much. He was weeping all the time and I would cry too.
My Daughter was dead for 23 hours, but I did not notify the authorities. I prayed, "Lord, I will wait for 24 hours. If my daughter is not back in 24 hours, I will call a doctor." But, the Lord brought her back before 24 hours were up.
The Lord said to me, "Are you ready to see what I am going to show you?" "Yes, Lord," I said. He took me to a cell where I could see a young man being tormented among the flames. I noticed that the cell was enumerated, though I couldn't understand the numbers, they seemed to be backward. There was a huge plaque in that cell, and the young man had the number "666" on his forehead. He also had a big metallic plate that was encrusted into his skin. The worms that were eating him, were unable to damage that plate; neither did the flames burn it. He screamed, "Lord, have mercy on me. Take me out of this place. Forgive me, Lord!" But Jesus would respond, "It's late, too late: I gave you opportunities and you would not repent."I asked Jesus, "Lord, why is he here?" Then I recognized him. On Earth, this young man knew the Word of God, but abruptly he walked away from the Lord, preferring alcohol, drugs and walking on the wrong path. He did not want to follow the way of the Lord. Jesus warned him many times on what could happen to him. Jesus said, "Daughter, he is in this place because anyone who rejects My word already has a judge: The Word that I have spoken will judge him in that last day," (John 12:48) and then Jesus wept.When the Lord weeps, it's different than we do. He would weep with this pain in His heart and He would sob profoundly. "I did not create hell for humanity," Jesus said. So I asked Him, "Then why is humanity here, Lord?" He answered, "Daughter, I created hell for satan and his angels, who are the demons; (Matt. 25:41) but, because of sin and the lack of repentance, humanity ends here, and there are more that perish than those who reach My glory!" (Matt 7:14) He continued weeping and it would hurt me so much to see how He cried. "Daughter, I gave My life for humanity, so that it would not perish, so that it would not end up in this place. I gave My life out of love and mercy, so that humanity would proceed to repentance and could enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Jesus would moan as someone who could no longer withstand the pain, that's how much pain He felt watching the people here.
Being with Jesus, made me feel safe. I thought, "If I let go of the Lord, I'll be stuck here!" I asked, "Jesus, do I have relatives in this place." He looked at me as I was crying and He said, "Daughter, I am with you," because I was so scared. He took me to another cell. I never could have imagined seeing a relative of mine in that cell. I saw this woman being tormented, she had worms that would eat her face off, and demons would plunge a type of spear into her body. She would scream, "No, Lord, have mercy on me, forgive me, please, take me out of this place for one minute!" (Luke 16:24)
In Hell, people are tormented with the memories of what they did on Earth. Demons would mock people and tell them, "Worship and praise because this is your kingdom!" and the people would scream remembering that they knew God, because they knew the Word. Those who had known the Lord were tormented twofold.The Lord said, "There is no other opportunity [for those here]; there is still opportunity for those who are alive." I asked Him, "Lord, why is my great-grandmother here? I don't know if she ever knew you. Why is she here in hell, Lord?" He replied, "Daughter, she is here because she failed to forgive...Daughter, he who does not forgive, neither will I forgive him."I asked, "Lord, but You do forgive, and You are merciful." And He answered, "Yes, Daughter, but it is necessary to forgive, because they have not forgiven many people, and that is why many people are in this place, because they failed to forgive...Go and tell humanity that it is time to forgive, and especially My people, for many of My people have not forgiven. Tell them to rid themselves of grudges, of resentment, of that hatred in their hearts, for it is time to forgive! If death were to surprise that person who has failed to forgive, that person may go to hell, for no one can purchase life." When we left that place, my great grandmother was engulfed in fire and she screamed, "Aaaah," and began to blaspheme the name of God, she would curse Him; every person in hell blasphemes against God.As we left that area, I could see that hell was full of tormented souls. Many people would extend their hands out, begging Jesus to help them and take them out of there. But the Lord could not do anything for them and they would start blaspheming God. Then Jesus would weep and say, "It hurts Me to hear them, it hurts Me to see what they do, because I can no longer do anything for them. What I will tell you is that I still have opportunity for he who is still on Earth, who has not yet died, who is still alive; he still has time to repent!"The Lord told me there were many famous people in Hell, and also many people who had known about the Lord. He said, “I am going to show you another part of the furnace." We came to a place where a woman was surrounded by flames. She was in great torment and would scream, begging the Lord for mercy. Jesus pointed to her with his hand and told me, "Daughter, that woman that you see over there, surrounded by flames, is Selena." As we started getting closer, she screamed, "Lord, have mercy on me, forgive me Lord, take me out of this place!" But the Lord looked at her and said, "It's late, it's too late. You cannot repent now."She saw me and said, "Please, I beg you, go tell people about this, please speak out and do not be silent; go and tell them not to come to this place; go and tell them not to listen to my songs, nor sing my songs." (1 John 2:15) So I asked her, "Why do you want me to go and say that?" And she answered, "Because every time people sing and listen to my songs, I am tormented even more, the person who does this, who sings and listens to my songs, is walking to this place. Please, go tell them not to come here; go tell them that hell is real!" She would scream and demons would hurl spears from afar into her body and she would cry, "Help me, Lord, have mercy on me, Lord!" But sadly, the Lord told her, "It is too late."
I looked all over that area, it was full of singers and artists who have died. All they did was sing and sing, they wouldn't stop singing. The Lord explained, "Daughter, the person who is here, must continue doing here, whatever they did on Earth, if they had not repented."As I was observing the area, I noticed a lot of demons that were spilling down some type of rain. I actually thought it was raining. But I noticed the people in flames running away from the rain and shouting, "No, help me, Lord!...No, this can't be," and the demons would laugh and tell the people, "Praise and worship because this is your kingdom forever and ever!" I saw the flames increase and people's worms would multiply! There was no water there, it was brimstone that would multiply the flames and increase each person's anguish. I asked Jesus, "What's happening?...Lord, what is this?" The Lord replied, "This is the wages of anyone who has not repented." (Psalms 11:6)Then the Lord took me to place where there was a very well-known man. Before now, I used to live as a double minded young Christian girl. I used to think that any person that died would go to Heaven; that those who celebrated mass, would also go to heaven, but I was wrong. When Pope John Paul II died, my friends and relatives would tell me that he had gone to heaven. All the news on TV, on Extra and many other places would say, "Pope John Paul II has died, may he rest in peace. He is now rejoicing with the Lord and his angels in heaven" and I believed all of it. But I was only fooling myself, because I saw him in Hell, being tormented by flames. I looked at his face, it was John Paul II! The Lord said to me, "Look, Daughter, that man that you see there, is Pope John Paul II. He is here in this place; he is being tormented because he did not repent."But I asked, "Lord, why is he here? He used to preach at church." Jesus replied, "Daughter, no fornicator, no idolater, no one who is greedy and no liar will inherit My Kingdom."(Eph. 5:5) I replied, "Yes, I know that is true, but I want to knowwhy he is here, because he used to preach to multitudes of people!" And Jesus responded, "Yes, Daughter, he may have said many things, but he would never speak the truth as it is. He never said the truth and they know the truth and although he knew the truth, he preferred money over preaching about salvation. He would not offer reality; would not say that hell is real and that heaven also exists; Daughter, now he is here in this place."
When I looked at this man, he had a large serpent with needles, wrapped around his throat, and he would try to take it off. I pleaded with Jesus, "Lord, help him!" The man would scream, "Help me, Lord; have mercy on me; take me out of this place; forgive me! I repent, Lord; I want to return to Earth, I want to go back to Earth to repent." The Lord observed him and said to him, "You very well knew. You knew very well that this place was real...It's too late; there is no other opportunity for you."The Lord said, "Look, Daughter, I am going to show you the life of this man." Jesus showed me a huge screen on which I could observe how this man offered mass many times to the multitudes. And how the people who were there were so idolatrous. Jesus said, "Look, Daughter, there are many idolaters in this place. Idolatry will not save, Daughter. I am the only One who saves, and outside of Me, no one saves. I love the sinner, but I hate sin, Daughter. Go and tell humanity that I love them and that they need to come to Me."As the Lord was speaking, I began to see how this man received multitudes of coins and bills; money, all of which he would keep. He had so much money. I saw images of this man seated on a throne, but I was also able to see beyond that. While it's true that these people do not get married, I can assure you, I'm not making this up, the Lord showed it to me, those people do sleep with nuns; with many women there! [1 example]The Lord showed me these people living in fornication, and the Word says that no fornicator will inherit His Kingdom. As I was watching all of this, the Lord told me, "Look Daughter, all of this which I am showing you is what goes on, what he lived and what keeps on happening among many people, among many priests and popes existing." Then he told me, "Daughter, go and tell humanity that it's time to turn to Me."The Lord showed me a place where many people were walking to hell. I asked Him, "Lord, how is it that they walk to this place?" He replied, "I will show you." He showed me a tunnel with many people walking through it. These people were chained from hand to foot. They were dressed in black and carrying a load on their back. Jesus said, "Look Daughter, those people that you see there, those people don't know Me yet. That which they carry on their backs is sin, but go and tell them to turn their burden over to Me, and I will give them rest; that I am He who forgives all their sins...Daughter, go and tell those people to come to Me, for I await them with open arms, and go tell them that they are walking to this place."As I was watching the people walking, I said, "Lord, that person over there is my cousin; that young man is my cousin, Lord, and that young girl coming down is also my cousin; my family is coming to this place!" He replied, "Daughter, they are walking to this place, but go and them where they are walking, go and tell them they are walking to hell. Go and tell them that I have chosen you as my watchman...I have chosen you as my watchman, for it means that you are to tell the truth. You must go and tell all that I have shown you. If you do not speak out and something happens to that person, his blood will be poured over you, but if you go and do as I have told you, then that person has an account with me. If the person does not repent, then the responsibility resting upon you will be lifted, for the account will rest upon that person and his blood will not be poured over you. (Ezekiel 3:18)"Jesus told me that many famous people were walking to that place, famous and important people. Take for example, Michael Jackson. This man was famous all over the world but he was a satanist. Although many people may not see it that way, but it is the truth. This man had satanic covenants: He came to agreement with the devil in order to achieve fame and attract many fans.
Those steps that he performed, that's the way I saw demons walk while tormenting people in hell. They would slide backward and not move forward, while they shout; enjoying the anguish they impose upon the people. Let me tell you that Michael Jackson is in hell. The Lord showed him to me after Michael died. He let me see Michael Jackson tormented in flames. I cried to Jesus, "Why?" It wasn't easy to see how this man was being tormented and how he would scream. Anyone who listens to Michael Jackson's songs or sings them or who is a fan of Michael Jackson, I warn you that satan is trapping you in his web so that you will end up in hell. Right now, renounce it in the name of Jesus! Jesus wants to set you free, so that you will not be lost.The Lord said, "Daughter, there are also people who know Me, that are walking to this place." I asked, "Lord, how can people who know You also come here?" He replied, "That person who has left My ways and that person who is living a double life." He started showing me people who were walking to Hell. They were tied from their hands to their feet.They each wore a white garment, but it was torn, stained and wrinkled. Jesus said, "Daughter, see how My people have walked away from Me. Daughter, I want to tell you that I am not coming for these people. I am coming for a holy people, ready, without blemish, without wrinkle and without defilement...Go and tell them to return to the old paths." (Eph. 5:26-27) I started to see many of my uncles and many other people who had walked away from the Lord's ways. "Go and tell them that I am waiting for them, to surrender their loads to Me, and I will give them rest." Jesus was weeping, "Daughter, they are coming this way. Go and tell your uncles; go and tell your relatives that they are coming this way! Daughter, many will not believe you, but I am your faithful witness, I am your faithful witness. I will never leave you. Even if they do not believe you, Daughter, go and tell them the truth, for I am with you. I will also show you, Daughter, how people arrive at this place."We went to a tunnel where there were a multitude of people falling into the abyss. Not 1 thousand, not 2 thousand, but as many as the sand of the sea, countless. They were falling by the second, like handfuls of sand being thrown down. The souls were falling rapidly. Jesus was weeping, He said, "Daughter, this is how humanity perishes; this is how it is lost!...Daughter, it hurts Me to see how humanity perishes."Jesus said, "Demons also hold meetings in this place." And I said, "Demons hold meetings?" Jesus said, "Yes, Daughter, they meet to plan, to plan what they will do to humanity. They hold daily secret meetings." And with that, Jesus took me to a cell, where I saw a wooden table with chairs around it. And there were demons – all types of demons. Jesus explained, "Daughter, they are now planning to go and destroy the pastors' families, the missionaries, the evangelists and all of those who know me. Daughter, they want to destroy them; they have many darts."The demons would laugh and mock and say, "Let's destroy humanity and bring it to this place." Jesus said, "Go and tell them that I am with them. Tell them to not leave open doors, to leave no place to satan, for satan walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.(1st Peter 5:8)" But the Word says, "he walks as", because the only real Lion, is the Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Revelations 5:5)! Jesus said, "Daughter, they especially want to destroy the pastors; family." I asked, "Why do they want to destroy the pastors' family?" And Jesus responded, "Because they are in charge of thousands of people that are the sheep of the fold; the sheep of the fold that the Lord has given them. They want these people to return to the world again; to look back and end up in hell...Go and tell the pastors to speak the truth. Go and tell them to preach the truth and to speak everything that I tell them and to never keep to themselves what I tell them!"As we left that place and He told me, "I want to show you something else... There are also children in this place." And I replied, “Children in this place, Lord? Why are there children here? Your Word says, 'let the children to come unto Me, and do not stop them: for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these."(Matthew 19:14) Jesus replied, "Daughter, it's true, of such is the kingdom of Heaven, but that child must come to Me, for he who comes to Me I will not throw out."(John 6:37)Instantly, the Lord showed me an eight year old boy being tormented in fire. The boy cried, "Lord have mercy of me, take me out of this place, I don't want to be here!" He kept crying and screaming. I saw demons around this boy, that resembled cartoon figures. There was Dragon Balls Z, Ben 10, Pokémon, Doral, etc. "Lord, why is this boy here?" Jesus showed me a large screen of this boy's life. I saw how he would spend all of his time in front of the TV, watching these cartoons.
Jesus said, "Daughter, these animated cartoons, those movies, those soap operas that are seen daily on TV are satan's instruments to destroy humanity...Look, Daughter how this came to be." I saw how the boy was rebellious and disobedient toward his parents. When his parents talked to him, he would run away, throwing things and disobeying them. After this happened, a car ran over him and ended his life. Jesus told me, "Ever since then, he has been in this place."I looked at the boy as he was being tormented. Jesus said, "Daughter, go and tell parents to instruct their child as is written in My Word. (Proverbs 22:6)" The Word of God is real, it tells us to correct a child with the rod, but not every moment, only when the child has been disobedient to his parents. (Proverbs 22:15)The Lord told me something that is very sad and very painful. He said, "Daughter, there are many children in this place because of animated cartoons, because of rebellion." I asked Him, "Lord, why are animated cartoons to blame for this?" And He explained, "Because they are demons that carry rebellion, disobedience, bitterness and hatred to children; and other demons enter these children, so that they do not do good things, but do that which is bad: whatever children see on TV, they want to do in reality." Hell exists, hell is real, and even children must decide with whom they will go. I said, “Lord, tell me, why are there children in this place?" And Jesus answered, "Once children have knowledge that there is a heaven and a hell, then they have a place to choose."
The Kingdom of Heaven
There's much more to be said about hell, but now I'll share what I saw in Heaven. Jesus said, "Daughter, now I am going to show you what I have prepared for My Holy people." We left that place, going out through a tunnel. While traveling through this tunnel, we suddenly came out to where there was light. I saw no more darkness, torment or flames. He said, "Daughter, I am going to show you My glory,” and we started ascending to the Kingdom of Heaven! Soon we arrived at a door with giant letters written in gold, it said: "Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven." Jesus said, "Daughter, go in, for I am the Door and he who enters through Me, will enter, will go and will find pastures."(John 10:9)After the Lord said these words, the door opened and we entered. I saw angels giving glory, honor and praise to our Heavenly Father! (Revelations 7:11-12) As we continued walking, we approached a table of which I could see the beginning, but not the end. (Revelations 19:9) I observed a large throne, and a smaller throne surrounded by thousands of chairs. Between the chairs were garments along with crowns. The Lord told me, "Daughter, the crown that you see there is the crown of life."(Revelations 2:10)
Jesus said, "Look, Daughter, this is what I have prepared for My people." I saw that the table was covered with a white tablecloth with gold edging. There were plates, gold goblets, fruit; everything was served. It was so beautiful. There was a very large vessel in the middle of the table, which contained the wine for the dinner. And Jesus said, "Daughter, everything is ready for the arrival of My church."We went to another place, where I saw many people in a garden. There were well known people from the Bible, but they were not aged, but young. There was this young man with a large kerchief in his hand who danced and whirled around and praised the Lord. Jesus said, "Daughter that young man that you see there is My servant, David." He was giving glory to our Father. Suddenly, another young man passes by and Jesus told me, "Daughter, he is Joshua; he is Moses; this other young man is Abraham." Jesus would call them out by their names. They all had the same countenance! Jesus said, "Daughter, that woman that you see there is My servant, Mary Magdalene; My servant, Sara."But then He told me, "Daughter, she is Mary. Mary, who gave birth to Jesus Christ, Who I am. Daughter, I want to tell you that she has no knowledge of the things happening on Earth. I want to tell you that you must go and tell humanity, tell idol worshippers that hell is real, and that idolaters will not inherit My kingdom, but go and tell them that if they repent, they can enter My heavenly dwelling place. Go tell them that I love them and tell them that Mary has no knowledge of anything [happening on Earth] and the only One that they must exalt is Me, because neither Mary, nor St. Gregory nor any other saint can offer salvation. I am the only One who saves and outside of Me – nobody, nobody, nobody- saves!" He repeated it three times - that nobody could save; only He saves.Humanity has been deceived believing in an assumed saint, which is not, but is a demon, working through an idol made by the hand of man. But, let me tell you that the Lord wants to give you the best. He wants you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; to repent and to leave idolatry. Because idolatry will not save you. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the one that saves, who gave His life for you, for me and for all humanity. The Lord has a great message for humanity. As He wept, He told me, "Please, Daughter, do not be silent; go and tell the truth, go and tell what I have shown you."
I saw how Mary worshipped the Lord, and I saw women with very beautiful long hair. I said, "Lord, how pretty the way they wear their hair." He told me, "Daughter, that which you see is the veil that I have given to a woman." He added, "Daughter, go and tell women to take care of the veil that I have given them."Then He told me, "I have something to show you that is very important." I looked far away and saw a shining city, a city of gold! I said, "Lord, what is that? I want to go over there." He answered, “Daughter, I will show you what is over there. What you are seeing is the heavenly dwelling, the heavenly mansions which are ready for My people."We started walking, until we reached a golden bridge. As we walked over it, we came upon streets that were made of pure gold! (Revelations 21:21)Everything was so beautiful, so brilliant, like shining glass, it was absolutely supernatural, inexplicable! We saw heavenly mansions, and watched thousands of angels constructing them. Some of the angels constructed very rapidly, others constructed slowly and others were not constructing at all. I asked the Lord, "Why are some angels constructing rapidly, while others are slower, and some have those stopped constructing?" The Lord explained, "Daughter, that is how My people work on Earth, and the angels work as My children work on Earth....Daughter, My people no longer spread the gospel. My people no longer fast. My people no longer go to the streets to distribute tracts telling the truth. My people are now ashamed. Go and tell My people to return to the old paths. Those angels that you saw that were doing nothing belong to those people that have walked away from My paths...Daughter, go and tell My people to return to the old paths," (Jeremiah 6:16) and in saying this He started to weep.I heard other people singing, so I asked Him, "Lord, I want You to take me over there, where those people are singing." Jesus was observing me, I could tell how He was observing me, but I couldn't see His face, only the movements of His face. While His tears were pouring over His garment, I asked Him why He was weeping. But He would not explain it to me.Later we arrived at this beautiful garden. There, among the heavenly mansions, I saw flowers that were swaying. That must have been the singing I heard. The Lord pointed with His finger and said, "Daughter, look, they praise Me; they worship Me! My people no longer do as they did before. My people no longer praise, no longer worship Me; no longer seek Me as before. That is why I told you, Daughter, to go and tell My people to seek Me, for I will go, I will go, I will go - for a people that seeks Me in spirit and in truth, for a people that are ready, for a holy people!" And weeping He said, “I am coming, I am coming!" Then I understand why He was weeping, because He is coming, but not for those that are half-hearted. He will return only for a people that is seeking Him in spirit and in truth.Then the Lord told me that I had to return to Earth. I said, "Lord, I don't want to go back to Earth! What do you mean – Earth? I want to stay with You. You brought me here and I'm not going anywhere because I am with You!" Jesus said, "Daughter, it is necessary that you return to Earth to go and testify that My glory is real, that what I am going to show you is real; that what you have seen is real – so that humanity will come to Me, repent and not perish." Weeping, I fell to His feet; there I saw wounds on His feet. I asked, "Lord, what are these wounds here?" He answered, "Daughter, it's the scar from that yester day, when I gave My life for humanity."
He also showed me the scars in his hands, I asked, "Lord, why do you still have that?" He told me, "Daughter, it is the scar that has remained." So I asked, "Will this go away?" He replied, "Daughter, this will go away when all the saints are reunited here...Daughter, I must take you to Earth: Your family and the nations are waiting for you."I tried to refuse but He pointed down to Earth with His finger and said, "Look, those people that you see down there are your relatives; that body that you see there, is where you have to return...It is time to leave this place." Then He took me along a beautiful crystal clear river and said "Daughter, enter the river and submerge yourself." Before I entered that crystalline river of living water, I was experiencing indescribable joy, but after I submerged myself and came out, I was elated. I thought I would not have to return home, but the Lord told me, "Daughter, you have to return to Earth...Daughter, I am going to show you something: How I amcoming to Earth for a holy people. I am going to show you how the day of the Rapture will be."The Rapture and TribulationWe walked to a place with a giant screen, and I saw people in it. I could observe the whole world. Then suddenly I saw thousands of people disappearing. Pregnant women had their pregnancy disappear, and they looked like they had gone crazy screaming.Children had disappeared from all over. Many people were running from here to there, screaming, "This can't be, this can't be! What's happening?"I saw those who had known the Lord, but were left behind. (Matt 24:40-41) They were saying that Christ had come, the Rapture happened. They screamed and wanted to kill themselves, but they couldn't. The Lord told me, "Daughter, in those days, death will flee; Daughter, in those days the Holy Spirit will no longer be on Earth." (Revelations 9:6) There were accidents but I didn't see a single dead person: all of them were alive, although injured.I observed enormous traffic with thousands of people. He told me, "Daughter, look, this is how everything will happen." I then saw people running from one place to another, shouting, "Christ came, Christ came!" They would plead, "Lord, forgive me, forgive me, take me with You!"
But sadly the Lord said, "It will be too late. The time to repent is now...Daughter, go tell humanity to seek Me, for during that time there will no longer be opportunity. (Isaiah 55:6) Daughter, it will be too late for all those that stay behind." When Jesus observed how people were left behind, He began to weep and said, "Daughter, I will go to Earth as it says in 1 Thes. 4: 16-17 : “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”But not everyone will go with the Lord, only those who are doing His will (Matthew 7:21) and living a holy life. For the Lord told me, "Only those that are holy will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, (Hebrews 12:14), No one knows, neither the day nor the hour in which I will go for My holy people, not even the angels know it." (Matthew 24:36)
On the screen I saw people running around. Magazines and TV news said that “CHRIST HAD COME.” The screen closed, and Jesus finished by saying, "I will go for a holy people." This was all He showed me. After that, He brought me back here to Earth.With angels gathered round, we began to descend these beautiful stairs; white steps with flowers surrounding them. I was crying all the way down, pleading with Jesus, "Lord, please, don't leave me here. Take me with You!" He responded, "Daughter, the nations, your family are waiting for you...Daughter, you must enter that body. You must receive life, Daughter, so you can go and testify what you have seen. Many will not believe you; many will believe you, but I am your faithful witness. I am with you. I will never leave you."
Return to Earth
When my daughter came back, we were waiting there, and she was stretched out on the floor. She went, "uuhmm," nothing else. I said, "Thank You, Lord, because my daughter is back!"We all gave thanks to the Lord. Soon she started breathing slowly, little by little. After about five hours, she was able to open her eyes and talk. At first we could hardly understand what she was saying; it just wasn't clear. She had no strength. We needed to keep the windows covered, because her eyes couldn't handle the light.Being curious, we all wanted her to tell us what she saw. But because she was so weak, she could only tell us a little. It was 2 weeks until she was able to share her full testimony.Demons came to torment her after all this. She could see them clearly, they would try to hide themselves in the shadows. They were here within three days of her return, before she could really talk. She asked them what they wanted and they replied, "We have come to make a pact with you...You must shut up. You must not say anything of what you saw down there, because if you speak, we will kill you."She described the demons as ugly, large and fat, ugly. She said there were no words to describe how horrible they looked. She would rebuke them, but they would not leave. When they came they would jump on her and try to choke her. She would fight back rebuking them, but she had no strength. One time when she rebuked them, a tremendous light appeared and then they fled! It was the Lord.What my daughter went through was not easy. She was given a profound message to all humanity, to seek God. But humanity thinks that what it is doing is alright. Youth that are into drugs and alcohol, they think that's OK, but it's not. One of the greatest experiences that my daughter had was when she saw many entertainers in hell, including dancers, and also Pope John Paul II. It's time to seek the Lord, to repent and to humble oneself before Him. The Word of God is true when it says, "Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away."(Mark 13:31) The Word of the Lord will be fulfilled in its due time.
The Lord also showed her a tunnel, where people were walking to hell. Many people are already in hell. It's real! But even the Lord's people don't believe this, many just don't believe.The main message was that we should seek the Lord, not just from our lips, but from the deepest part of our heart, for the Lord's coming is at hand. Jesus said, "I am no longer at the door; I am beyond the door. I will come soon; My coming is near. My people have left Me and gone back to worldly things...Tell My people to return to the old paths." The church today must go back to the old paths, that it is where we are in the fire, seeking the Lord. When the trumpet sounds we must be ready to meet the Lord, and it will be wonderful!
The Lord's Urgent Message
Angelica, speaking before an audience:
The Lord told me, "Daughter, in those days the Holy Spirit will no longer be on Earth. In those days, He will no longer be on Earth."(2 Thes. 2:7) And I saw enormous traffic, with accidents. Many people wanted to kill themselves, but Jesus said, "They shall seek death, but death shall flee from humanity. Death will no longer be during that time."(Revelations 9:6) I saw people watching TV and magazines that read, "Thousands and Thousands have Disappeared." Many already knew that Christ had come for His holy people. Those who knew the Lord, but were left behind, went crying through the streets, wanting to kill themselves, but they could not do anything.
While in Heaven, Jesus said, "I will come for a holy people and I will come soon for My church." But two weeks ago the Lord told me, "Daughter, I take pleasure in what you are doing, that you are fulfilling what I have given you, but do not tell My people that I am coming soon. Tell My people that I am coming right away." Again the Lord said, "Tell My people that I am coming right away and that I am coming for a holy people. Tell My people that only the holy ones, only the holy ones will see Me!...And do not be silent: Keep on declaring what I have told you."
Angelica Praying with the audience:
Everybody, close your eyes, and place your right hand over your heart. Raise your left hand and if you feel like crying, then cry. Now tell the Lord what you feel in your heart. For those who want to accept the Lord, repeat after me.
Lord, I thank You for Your love and Your mercy, thank You, Lord, for the word that has reached my heart today. Father, I ask for Your forgiveness. Forgive me. Wash me with Your precious blood. Write my name in the Book of Life. Accept me as Your child, Lord. Right now, I forgive anyone that I had not been able to forgive. I renounce to my lack of forgiveness. I renounce all things that have hindered Your flow, and I ask You to transform me and to fill me with Your presence every day. Thank You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
“This testimony is not a lie; it's not a joke; it is not a story; it is not a dream, hell is real! Hell exists! To anyone that does not believe, I want to tell you that hell is real, very real. I cannot find words to tell you how real it is. I wish that you could experience it yourself.”
Angelica, speaking with Narrator:
The time is soon, God allows signs to reveal to humanity what is about to happen. Do not remain condemned; that's what the devil wants. Ask yourself if you are already walking through hell's tunnel? Today is the day of salvation, today is the day to invite Jesus, your Savior into your life. These are simple and yet great words to say: "I accept You, Jesus as my Lord and my only Savior. I give You my life and soul with all my heart. I want to be with You for eternity.”Choose your final destiny: Life or death, heaven or hell, Jesus or the devil. It's clear, either you belong to Jesus or to the devil. Either you do what is right or you do what is wrong. You choose your destiny: eternal life or the lake of fire. Think about it. Decide now. Jesus Christ died on the cross for each one of us, for our sins, and He gave us the opportunity of salvation by His mercy. Accept Christ as your only Savior!Now that you've heard this testimony, don't let this moment be the one you regret forever in hell.”
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